Monday, December 24, 2012

Miracles Miracles Miracles!!!

Whatup whatup whatup whatup!!!
Dang this has been such a crazy, but yet awesome week! One of our baptisms was a man named Ramon Martinez who had been investigating the church for about 12 years now haha. His investigator sheet is pages long with hundreds of visits recorded, and three baptismal dates that he stood up on in 2009, 2010, and 2011. He got the interview done and everything, but just didn't show up at the baptism. So that was our whole focus with him, was teaching him about how hard Satan is going to work on this baptismal date, trying everything he can to get Ramon to back out. And we took this as cautiously as we could, visiting him every Sunday before church to make sure he was coming. It got pretty desperate at all of the reasons we made up to come by his house and make sure he was on the right path. Then this past Thursday, when we started to fill the font, we had previously decided that we were going to his house to haul him on over. It was his birthday so I got him a present as an excuse to drop by and take him with us, but once we got there, his son told us that he left to the church. It was about 30 minutes before the we just about lost it and thought that he went A-wall on this whole deal...for the fourth time in a row, and was about to gain even more popularity than it already had around the whole Texas Dallas Mission. But we booked it to the church and found him there, patiently waiting and meditating. So the baptism went through, and it was truly a miracle. We totally felt overwhelmed to see the fruits of the labors of many missionaries before us, and on the receiving end it felt like we were supposed to catch a growing snowball with 12 years of momentum, but it was pretty neat...that is until Sunday. I didn't know this until the mission, but when converts are baptized, we have to wait until Sunday to confirm them a member and give them the Holy Ghost. Well we had passed by on Saturday just to secure it, and when we saw him he was sicker than a dog, and even though we offered a blessing, he said he was determined to make it on Sunday and that was the blessing he needed. Well the next day rolls along and Ramon wasn't able to make it to church, and it was there that we learned about how serious his sickness was. So on Wednesday, the day before his baptism, he felt this terrible sickness and ended up going to the hospital. He was somehow able to make it through that night and get to the baptism, and he felt rejuvenated as he was in the church, but after his baptism, things just got worse and worse. Apparently after his baptism, a lot of family went over to his house for some food and all that jazz (because Latinos seize any opportunity that presents itself to party), and they said that you could just see him getting worse and worse in only a few hours. And I can testify that Satan took advantage of those three nights that he had until his confirmation to do everything possible to keep him away from the Holy Ghost. It was very scary, but actually quite amazing to see the raw power that was exerted on him and was just plain dangerous. It ended up in two trips to the hospital and a few visits with the doctor, and as we talked to a few recent converts, they expressed to us what it was like...that one night where you don't have the Spirit constantly with you and the adversary is so clearly sending everything he can your way. It's like every bad memory, doubt, or temptation will come back all at once and you just feel alone and unprepared for all the opportunities and desires to sin again that are headed your way. They also said it was one of the greatest and most magnificent learning experiences that they ever had. One told us that after her baptism, all that would make her feel safe was reading her she read until she fell asleep, and if she'd wake up, she would keep reading and reading until church. After she was confirmed, she felt a great relief and weight just taken off her shoulders. So we talked to Bishop about it and felt strongly impressed that we needed to confirm him ASAP instead of waiting a whole week, and with his approval, confirmed Ramon Martinez only a couple of hours ago in his own home. So a couple of lessons I saw were, first off, how important the companionship of the spirit is! We all take it super for granted, but as you continue to learn about all the blessings that the Holy Ghost can give us, the protection he provides us, and more about his role as the third member in the Godhead, the thought that he can always be with us will never be taken lightly. As we talked with Ramon about the past five days...he expressed his shock and bewilderment at how for 47 years, he had never been sick, and this was his first visit to the hospital. He had lost the desire to eat, and was hit with a couple other powerful difficulties in his path, but we know that now he has the Spirit with him, and will be protected according to his faithfulness. Another principle that I thought was super important, is one that you see almost every day in missionary work, but hit me as an extra special one while I was giving the confirmation. We always need to be worthy holders of the priesthood, and are never off work, but always on call. Things will always come out of the blue that need divine help, and that is the whole reason why we hold the priesthood and magnify our callings, so that when the moment comes, the Lord is ready to bless others. Well, things are cutting kind of close in the mission as far as our baptismal goal goes for this is a make or break week...but too much has gone into this and I'm convinced that the Faith of the mission and hundreds of others is sufficient! Well I love you all and hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas and enjoys this opportunity to reflect on the birth of our savior! I again, encourage everyone to study study STUDY the Atonement of Christ and can promise that with a deeper understanding of that Universally changing event, will come a deeper understanding of every topic or question in this life! Love y'all!

Elder Justin Wilson

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Promise Yourself

Here's an optional paper that President and Sister Durrant want for their Christmas gift. What they want are 5 personal promises and a corresponding scripture, and then an experience that helped build our Testimony. I know I've talked about this story about five thousand times but it is one of my absolute favorites so I hope yall enjoy. And I'll call you sometime on Christmas Eve so we can figure out how to do skype an stuff on Christmas. Love yall!

Elder Wilson

  • “Enhance your wisdom by learning for the benefit of others”
  • (Doctrine & Covenants 88:40)
  • “Heed the promptings of the Spirit in order to be an uplifting example to others, especially your family”
  • (Doctrine & Covenants 84:88)
  • “Be a friend to everyone and always help them to feel better about themselves”
  • (Luke 19:1-6)
  • “Continue to read the scriptures every day for constant protection”
  • (1 Nephi 8:24 & 1 Nephi 15:24)
  • “Pray to discern between all things, even the good”
  • (Doctrine & Covenants 88:67)

'CLICK!' After locking our bikes, I took a minute to wipe my brow and then shook my arm  that was dripping with sweat. It was somewhere close to 105 degrees outside, and the Texas humidity wasn't helping out one bit. We had an appointment with a less active member, but after knocking and waiting for five minutes, we realized she wasn't there. Discouraged and tired, we decided to fill some time and knock five doors down the adjacent street, as was the rule for our area which had been burned-out by knocking random streets. The thoughts of our Ward goals filled our minds as we walked on...25 baptisms in one year, and this area only had three...and it was the middle of August. We had been anxiously engaged along with the Ward members in Prayer and Fasting, and things were starting to take a turn, but not enough to meet what was expected. After being kindly rejected, but still rejected, we trudged onto the last door. After we knocked it, a woman opened the door, cradling a brand new baby in her arms. With awe and excitement on our faces, we asked her how old the baby was. To even more astonishment, we learned that it was only 10 days old, but still wondering our purpose on her doorstep, the woman asked why we were there. We then introduced ourselves as servants of the Lord with a special message to share. She invited us in, and then told us about the dangerous heart problems of her newly born child. As we learned of these medical difficulties the child was facing, we saw an opportunity to teach about the Restoration of the Lord's Priesthood, the same power with which he healed the lepers, made the blind see, and the lame walk. Desiring to share the blessings we had received, we asked her if she believed that what we had said was true. With an affirmative answer, she permitted us to place our hands on the head of her child, the Spirit that just days ago, was living in the presence of our Heavenly Father, and give it a blessing. The Spirit was overwhelming as we left, and as time passed, we heard the testimony of the mother. Sister Erika Martinez had been attending a church for some time, but after a while, found out that she couldn't afford entering the services and saw that it was just too expensive for her family. To make up for that, she decided to read her scriptures, and in the process, saw that Jesus and all of his disciples never charged for anything, even the most amazing miracles wrought by men. With that knowledge, she prayed that she would find the right way to receive the blessings of the Gospel. As time went on, challenges intensified, and so did her prayers, that “the Lord would send me something.” At the birth of her baby and learning of the medical difficulties it was going to have, along with seemingly countless other trials, she was at the point where she was going to give up...shortly which was followed by a knocking at her door. The moment she saw us, she said she knew that we were representatives of the Lord and had been an answer to her prayer. Erika Martinez and her daughter Emily were baptized on October 13 of 2012, helping the Oak Cliff ward eventually exceed their goal for 2012...and shortly after blessing the baby, the doctor informed Sister Martinez that her child had made a miraculous recovery from what seemed like a permanent dysfunction. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Only 4 More Days Left To Live...

What's up yall?!? Dang this whole Christmas season deal came out of nowhere!!! But things up here in Greenvull are going fantastic and we just baptized a man who had to overcome some serious trials this past Saturday so we are super super super stoked for him! And we also had two baptismal interviews this past week so we're getting ready for two more services this week! The only thing standing in the way is that the world will end in about 4 days so...the bonus is that we have a baptism on the 20th! We think that he's just a little superstitious, but if that will get him in the'll do haha. And then we have a Baptism on the 22, confirmation on the 23, P-Day on Christmas Eve...and then Christmas!!! Saweet  and to answer your question Mom, I do have a Christmas tree...and it stands triumphantly at about 1 feet tall....and proud of it!

And I also wanted to shout out to Karly who finally got her call to the Philippines! So stoked for you. It's going to be amazing to see a 6 foot 2 sister walking around with a bunch of 4 foot 11 Asian Islanders. That picture is just too rich! And also for this last week, he had a huge celebration of 12/12/12/12/12. And someone please make sure that Marcus reads this because it will be useless if he doesn't haha, but on the 12th second of the 12th minute of the 12th hour of the 12th day of the 12th month of 2012, in honor of its Mexican recognition as la Dia De La Virgin De Guadalupe, we chugged canned YooHoo's, following which we spun for 30 seconds around a glass YooHoo, jumped over it, and then I chugged the glass YooHoo, in honor of good times. And then I crushed the can. But my personal favorite highlight of the week was when Santa got completely mobbed by the whole Greenville ward. I remember our Primary President a couple minutes before the activity muttering to herself, "note to self...don't ever accept to put on the Ward Christmas party..." It was seriously open chaos, and to add onto that, only dessert was available for kids to just get a higher sugar rush. We had brought a bunch of investigators which made us a little nervous, especially when Santa made his surprise visit and became a magnet to every child in the building and almost got tackled. It was awesome, and one of those you had to be there moments, but it's was way sick!

But off on a random tangent, this past week I saw a serious principle take play in my life. It may not be so special to everyone, but I had this question that had been hanging around in the back of my mind for about 4 months! I had searched and searched and searched the scriptures to find out....where on Earth did the Asians come from?!? It is an honest question that has stuck with me the more that I have learned about the history of the world, human race, and continuing onto Israel and how they all broke off, but it for real had been bothering me forever! It was only a personal thing until one of our investigators told us that a family member doesn't believe in Christianity because it never talks about Asians. In the Bible, you can link a lot of races back to certain ancestors, but he had done some studying and came to the conclusion that Christianity was just the brainchild of Constantine. But while I was reading through the teachings of the Prophet Joseph Fielding Smith, I stumbled upon some information about Joseph of Egypt's marriage to an Egyptian Women. One person had a question about how would it be possible for a holder of the Priesthood to marry into the curse of the priesthood, which we find in the Pearl Of Great Price was preserved by Egyptus who was "of the Loins of Ham." (If you want to find out how he received the curse of the priesthood, look in Genesis to the part right after Noah got off the Ark to see what prank and scoffing Ham pulled on the Dispensational leader.) The question also arises through Ishmael, Hagar, and her son's standing with the priesthood. 

Well, I read about how through careful scripture study in Genesis paired with the history of Abraham and the book of Moses, the Semitic race was the first to enter into Asia and continue to spread. Through time, there was a group from the Semitic race called the Hyskos that came into Egypt and through some serious war, took control and dethroned the original Egyptian kingdom. During the reign of the Hyskos, Joseph was sold into Egypt and was eventually put at second in command. The woman he married, daughter of the king, was of the original Semitic race, therefore not carrying the curse of the priesthood and leading up the the original righteous son's of Noah (Japeth and Shem), confirming that Joseph married into a royal bloodline, which puts most of you...who are from the branch of Ephraim, at a royal powerful branch of the priesthood. But again, with time, the Hyskos were dethroned, chased back to Asia, and as we read in the scriptures, the reign of the Pharaoh "who knew not Joseph" (as we read in the start of Moses' story in Exodus) started. So those who carried the curse of the priesthood were put back into power, and that leads to the story of the Exodus of the House of Israel from Egypt. But the Semitic race branched off to India, and then China, and it just kept growing from there on out. I just can't wait until everything is revealed, and then we can find a Mongolian version of the Book Of Mormon- it's going to be so awesome! But yeah, when I found that, my comp thought that I was having a heart attack I was screaming so loud haha. It is absolutely amazing to just stumble upon truth, but if you have any questions or contradictions, please let me know! So much more that I've learned that I wish I could share! As cool as it is to get guns pulled on you and get chased by German Shepards while on bike and all those other awesome missionary experiences I have, I've learned that the most excitement out here in the missionary field comes through bringing others to the fold of God and purely learning! May not sound exciting, so that's why I challenge everyone to do it and find out how cool it is! Feliz feliz navidad to all and I hope everyone enjoys this awesome season! 

Elder Wilson

Monday, December 10, 2012

Tiempo Para Gozar La Virgin De Guadalupe De Los

What a week! So we started it off by picking up Elder Downer and we dove straight into the work! We seriously didn't even have time to set up new plans or to try and get something else going because we are already super super I just told Elder Downer that he'll catch on to everything here in Hunt County sometime. We did have a Zone Conference to get all 30 missionaries in the Dallas/Richardson/Hunt area all stoked and ready to go on our baptismal goal for the year. As of this week, we only have 57 baptisms to go and 90 some baptismal dates mission-wide! And we're looking to contribute at least four if not even more haha super super exciting! We also talked about how even though being on a mission may be a sacrifice, we are expecting miracles and have made our own personal sacrifices to show the Lord that we truly are in it. Elder Downer and I decided to only listen to Mo Tab, Hymns, and Christmas Music (which killer for me...being away from music I normally listen to is tough enough but this is really putting me on the edge of musical patience), fasting every Sunday, and then also cutting some hours off of our Preparation Day so that we can get straight to work. It puts things in a different light, and gives us another opportunity to see miracles put in our path! 

We set two more dates this past week and also got to start teaching Sam Elliot. And he speaks Spanish. So that was a money find I figured I could add him to my collection of teachee's along with Dirk Nowitski and Kenny Chesney. But this past week we had just about the creepiest brush with the Catholics ever! So for those of you who have any toleration for the Catholics and their Idol worship and would like to keep the little bit of patience that you have...I would encourage you to skip this part. So this last wednesday we were out knocking some doors about an hour after the sun went down, so while it was reasonably dark, and while we were walking, we heard the sound of a drum off in the distance. We thought it may be someone just practicing in a garage band or something like that, but as we kept walking down this street, the sound got louder and louder and louder. We were in a pretty sketchy part of Greenville (I thought that this Godforsaken town was just full of farm people, but it has ghettos that, again, rival Oak Cliff and as far as I know, has a more storied, dangerous history in these past few months than the Cliff), but hey, you go to the poor because the poor are the humble and the humble are the ones who will accept our message. But as we were walking down there, the streetlights seemed to get dimmer and dimmer, and then we started to see the silhouettes, of what looked exactly like zombies...just slowly stumbling down the street in a uniformed line. It pretty much stopped us dead in our tracks and we were just about convinced that the Apocalypse had started, but all of the sudden a van came flying by us and it stopped leaving a bunch of Mexicans piling out. It felt super weird there as we saw tons of those silhouettes doing whatever tribal thing they were we got a way bad vibe and just jetted on out. 

The next day, we knocked into Mexican lady who ended up inviting us to...yes...La Baile De La Virgin De Guadalupe. (Or the Dance of the Virgin of Guadalupe or "Virgin Mary".) So then she explained the whole significance behind glorifying the Virgin Mary from December First until December 23 and some idea about how that was when she started giving birth or something like that and something about the using of the drums, costumes, and the dance or "march". All I have to say is...after talking to what seems like thousands of Catholics......HOW IS SHE NOT AN IDOL?!?! They always use the term, "we don't worship her, we only respect her just like you respect the President." Well all I have to say is you won't ever see me praying, dancing, or decking my house with statues of any president,

especially the big "O". It's really sad how Jesus Christ gets the same amount of recognition with Catholics as David Archuletta does with the Mormons. It was easily the experience where I felt the farthest away from the states and I could just go on forever about how Catholicism is just fueling the world's "ripening for destruction" (fully supported by President Joseph Fielding Smith [see any document he has written that relates to the Catholic church.]) But enough about them and their Christmas...things are going just fantastic here and we're looking way forward to the wave of baptisms we're expecting!!! I love and miss yall ton's and I'm still waiting to hear where Karly got her call too!!!?!!

Elder Justin Wilson

Monday, December 3, 2012

Sprained Ankles, The Priesthood For Dogs, And All That Greenville Jazz

This past week has been full of all sorts of missionary goodness! But I still can't believe that I already finished my first transfer here in Greenville! That seriously has to be the fastest transfer yet. But Elder Larson is heading on out and I'm getting a new companion whose name is "Elder Downer" I really hope that his name was not given in the literal sense  but we're way too busy here to worry about that. I'm sure he'll be a big help out here haha. 

But this past week has been for real the most exciting time on my mission! So what's going on right now is that we have a mission goal for Baptisms, and in order to complete that goal, we need 100 baptisms in the month of December...and our monthly high has been 71 in September.......But with 200+ people working, sweating, praying, and fasting for the same goal, I am sure that it is achievable! So the circumstances that we are under right now is that as a Zone, we have promised 12 baptisms to the mission, and as for Greenville, we have 8 possible investigators that could come through before this whole past week we have been setting dates, doing baptismal interviews, and then things started to go very well. This last Wednesday night as everything seemed to line up, I just remembered what went on with all of the investigators and people that we had baptized in Oak Cliff...and then I began to worry. When things go good for you as a know something is about to happen, and you are so used to it that you can just see the adversary planning out some attack before it's even put into action. So with the excitement of the possibilities and the caution to prepare and arm every person that we know to defend themselves against whatever the Devil might throw at them, this has by far been one of the most exciting and yet trying weeks out on the mission. And to whoever is reading this and doubting that they should leave on a mission or believe that they can do some good elsewhere, I can testify that there is nothing more exciting or thrilling than being employed in the work of our Heavenly Father to truly help to "bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man". You deal with the eternal welfare of real people, and fight face to face with the embodiment of evil. I am seriously so pumped to keep this work going, even more so when I see some adversity come into play. Before we had set a baptismal date with the Kenny Chesney family this past week, they started telling us stories about how things just started coming out of nowhere. First off, their family just started to get sick while past injuries came back along with extended family members and neighbors that just start to laugh, mock, and spew out all the false ideas or twisted truths that they have on the church. It made me think of 1 Nephi 8:27 which describes the great and spacious building saying, "and it was filled with people, both and young, both male and female; and their manner of dress was exceedingly fine; and they were in the attitude of mocking and pointing their fingers towards those who had come at and were partaking of the fruit." It was crazy how even the kids had stories about what their friends said that was all negative about the church. And to add onto that, we had an appointment with them a couple days before and it sadly fell through, but a random Baptist Minister who they didn't know just came in and was telling all sorts of lies (and it also helped that it was his only purpose to be there...he didn't ask to help out with anything or show charity in any way.) 

So once we started talking to them about it, they started to say, "and he said this...but y'all had explained that last week and then he said this and the week before y'all had explained that the week before and..." It was truly amazing to see how principles that I had never really capitalized before, were things that we unconsciously discussed weeks and weeks before this adversity amped itself up. It is such a testament to me that while you are doing the Lords work and even though you may be unaware of it, he directly leads and guides everything you say and do. One of my personal favorites was when the Minister told this family that the Mormons believe they're "perfect." And for some reason these past few lessons we had been talking about the whole enduring to the end and how we always need to have faith, repent, and grow due to our countless imperfections. When Cory Vance (Kenny Chesney) told the Minister of the importance that we had placed on that, the man replied "Well then...they must not be true Mormons." Haha oh that is rich...the ones with the name of the church right over their heart aren't true members...good comeback. But it was absolutely amazing to sit there, and then hear this family testify to us...when the teachers became the learners...on how all of this adversity has shown them that all of this has to be true and that if there wasn't something worth fighting for, why would so many random things rise to the occasion to stop them? It just makes me think of a quote by Martin Harris; "The cunning of the Devil is never enough to match the Wisom of God." I just about cried. but I'm so grateful that I get to stay here longer and continue to help them to partake of these blessings. Another baller part of that lesson was when Jeremy, (the kid who said about two weeks ago that God told him that the Mormon church was false and led to a bunch of doubts that we had to help him overcome), when he asked us this AWESOME question...."Is it possible to repent if you have told someone that God said something that he didn't really say?" Me and Elder Larson both got a smile on our faces and after talking about the miracle of forgiveness offered to all, he replied, "...good...that's been haunting me so badly for a couple weeks now." Haha oh how the guilty are called to repentance! 

Which brings me to one of my absolute favorite parts...a new addition to my letters will have to be the "Baptist Pastor Quote Of The Week." This past week, we talked to this one Baptist guy that just loves the missionaries, but isn't really willing to change. Best part of the day was when I heard, "John 3:16...For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life....I don't know what that means...but it sure does fill a hungry soul." And that is our Baptist Pastor quote of the week haha. By the way, for their Independent Baptist church's Law Of Chastity, you can only go on dates with a chaperone, you may not hold hands or kiss before marriage, and the women are not allowed to wear my discovery proves that the Amish must still exist! Oh yeah, and another jewel while here in Greenville, was when I was asked AGAIN to give a dog a Priesthood blessing....yup that's one of those "only in the South" stories haha. But as we saw more and more assaults come from the adversary (the least of which were angry Ministers...), we kept focusing on getting everyone to read their scriptures every day! 1 Nephi 15:24!!!! No better protection against the read your scriptures!!! 

But while we spent this past week worrying about others, I was hit with a little surprise. One of our investigators named Carlos had just started basketball season, so we saw a golden opportunity to invite him to the weekly basketball game that our Priesthood holds every saturday morning. We picked him up and started getting the game going. Well, during the game, I went up for a rebound, and once I got the ball and was on my way down, I was sandwiched between two people and during my landing, I felt and even thought I heard this huge tear as I hardcore rolled my ankle. It was soooooo painful haha, even worse than fasting on a bike in the middle of July! I was even trying to think if it was comparable to getting smashed in the head with a golf club haha just kidding just kidding, but it seriously killed. So we called it a game, and as I tried to walk it off, It got worse and worse, and led to a day of me sticking my foot in a bucket of Ice-Water for 20 minutes in, and then 20 minutes out while elevating it. I sure hope that Shane will appreciate this because I will always remember when you tried to tolerate putting your whole foot into the icy water of Tahoe. So the icing my foot reduced the swelling from Grapefruit size to...I guess a little bit smaller, and then an awesome member got me an ankle brace which has been a huge help in order to keep this work going and get our Mission's goal completed!!! I'm not going to lie though...icing that sucker totally killed...but it's slowly and surely getting better! Well I could keep going on forever but due to the time, I gotta make it a wrap and thank you all so much for your support and prayers! They really do make such a difference and are needed to help us get a miracle achievable miracle for sure but yet a miracle. I love and miss yall tons! And someone please punch me if I say "yall" or "fixin' to" a couple months after my's already starting to bug me haha.

Elder Justin Wilson

Monday, November 26, 2012

After almost 7 Months...And 6 Full Meals...

Wow what an awesome week this has been! First of all I was finally able to go to the Dallas Temple this past week and it was my first time going for 7 months! What a refresher! It was an awesome place to just leave all the stress and worries from the mission and just take a breather. It's super small and aint the LA temple, but it'll do haha. And I also wanted to give a shout out to Dani and a congrats on getting your call to Tampa FLORIDA!!! It was seriously a couple minutes before I started writing this letter I had watched a video on about a Professional Golfer who was called to serve as a Mission President, and while I was watching the video I thought for sure I know someone in his mission due to the tons of people I know that are serving now. When I saw Tampa, I just thought ah bummer I don't know anyone in his mission...and a couple minutes later I got the e-mail informing me on the big news haha! 

Well as for this past was a Thanksgiving I will always remember but NEVER live again. I just can't imagine how bad it was for my health but the scoop is that a member came and took us out to breakfast at 8:00 in the morning, and we kept running back and forth from one dinner to the next until 8:30 at night, which accumulated to 6 full meals. I made sure that to embrace the Thanksgiving meal spirit, I would eat a turkey leg and some pie at every house, and the results were not pretty. After time my body was able to restore itself to the normal skinny looking form, but that Thanksgiving stomach looked like a nightmare. But again, thank the Lord for the metabolism that he has blessed me with and I have promised myself that I will never try to eat that much food ever again! 

Some other experiences that were way awesome this past week was when I went on exchanges down in Rowlett and we just blitzed that area and just about tracted a couple neighborhoods out! One of the coolest times was while we had just got out of a lesson and were just walking down the street, we just said "hi" to this one black family. As they gave us the courteous "not interested" deal, and while we left we heard the little black kid say, "Dad...what are they doing?" He responded, "They're just out spreading the gospel." His kid replied, "Where???", and then we just heard hiim say, "Everywhere..." It was so sick we heard music play in the background and it was like everything started going in slow motion as we were "carrying the word." But it did make me think about the standard that we are held up to and just what other people think and expect of us as members of the Church of Jesus Christ. We sure are excited for this time of the year, almost as excited as I was when I met Kobe...the original Kobe haha that was about 74 years old while we were tracting, but it's a time of year where others are humble and willing to accept. We get to focus on the birth of our Savior, and really what changed the world. So again, what a great opportunity to share what we know with others! One of my favorite sayings is "The Best Time To Share The Gospel Is Now!" We are just lucky enough to live in a country that devotes a whole season to it, and I hope yall can take advantage of it! I'm way stoked that everyone is leaving on a mission, getting calls, preparing, serving, or just about to return! Its crazy and awesome to see just how many are involved in this marvelous work! I love and miss yall and hope you enjoy the rest of November! Happy Birthday to Mom and Brett!!! 

Elder Justin Wilson

Monday, November 19, 2012

Dia De Gracias!

First off...I gotta give a huge shout out and congrats to Hermana Starke for getting called to serve in Costa Rica!?! What a dream mission haha I just hope that my Texican Spanish will be able to keep up with all the homies serving/have served in Peru, Chile, El Salvador, Mexico, Florida, Argentina, Paraguay, Nicaragua, and of course Costa Rica haha. This past week I was able to learn a very important lesson through the scriptures, and wanted to extend an invitation to everyone who wants to be more Christlike. As I have looked for key attributes and characteristics that our Savior had, one stuck out to me in Luke Chapter 19 and I thought it went along perfectly with Thanksgiving. So during the travels of Jesus, his fame began to grow and continued to do so as he entered Jericho. As he came to enter the city, there was a bunch of excitement with the citizens and many came to follow him to see what the famous "celebrity" was going to do in their city. As more and more people came to follow him, there was a man named Zacchaeus who "sought to see Jesus...; and could not for the press, because he was little of stature." As I thought about it, all of us know so many "Zacchaeuses" or people that maybe don't fit into "the press" because of whatever reason...they're too short, too tall, not smart enough, not happy enough, and all that jazz. Well Zacchaeus "ran before, and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for today I must abide at thy house." I know that these first few verses display a very simple and common principle that we seem to hear all the time, so I wanted to put it into a more nowadays analogy. So what I got from these first few verses would be like if I was going to a Brad Paisley concert...and halfway through, he would just point me out and say "Justin, come on down here and were taking a road trip!" And then we'd get on his tour bus and head on down to Cancun, Mexico while I serve as his translator and all that haha but enough getting carried away with that. The whole reason I bring that up is because we gave it try to go out of our way and give some random "surprises" to a very large and struggling family, and I want to promise everyone that you will feel 10 times more humble, grateful, and happier if you give someone something to be grateful about in comparison to filling out any list of things you are grateful for. So reach out to the Zacchaeus or Zacchearina that you know and help them enjoy this Thanksgiving! Then maybe you can enjoy it just as much as I have, especially when we cleaned the septic tank another family of Zacchaeuses. Greater love has no one than he that cleaneth the septic tank of his friends was shockingly disgusting. But on the bright side, I got to wear jeans for the first time in 3 months haha bonus!!! 

One of the capping moments of this past week was when we spent about 15 minutes running around the church trying to find this 15 year old kid that we're teaching. His Dad had to go to the Hospital that day, but he still got someone to drop him off while we were doing stop by's and reminding everyone to come to church. So we came to church to see our choir practicing, only a couple of members...and no Jeremy. So we kept running around frantically asking members if they'd seen a short 15 year old kid, only to be met with a negative response. We were so worried do to the fact that he was just barely trusted with us, and as we took a second to sit down, relax, and try to figure out where our short and nervous new investigator could possibly be, we looked up at the choir to see short little Jeremy singing his heart out haha. And he performed with the whole choir during sacrament meeting on his first time going to church haha....I'd like to see anyone else try and wave that flag! Well I hope you all know how grateful I am for you and your support! Thank you!!! I love and miss yall!

Elder Justin Wilson

Monday, November 12, 2012

Where Do We Go These Next 4 Years???

Dang I just can't help but be bummed about what happened this past week as far as the election goes. It makes things look pretty dismal for those who are looking for a brighter future, but then again, makes sure that the only thing that we really have to hold onto are living the principles of the Gospel. So in God's eyes I guess it's a good way to weed out the righteous and eliminate the natural man by having everyone on one side or the other. I also thought it was pretty funny if you happen to look up how the Voting went in the Counties of Texas, its a pretty Red State with some Blue majorities along the borders...oh yeah...and that one County up in Northeast Texas called Dallas! Of all the places to have a Liberal edge in Texas it would be Dallas haha lame. 

But other than that HUGE bump in the road, we have had a pretty positive last week. On the bright side, the "Boil Water" Notice was lifted, so that means that our Tap water is somewhat clean and safe to use! We also got the opportunity to start teaching a family of 8! They came to the Halloween party last week and are starting to get more and more interested in our church. It was one of those lessons where you truly do see that serving a mission is marriage prep, because sometimes our companions don't treat all situations like you would expect...and demands some work and patience. So as were teaching a young couple that are dating and each of them have 3 kids (and they're not living together which is a miracle!), the oldest of which was 15...and my companion is just SPEWING doctrinal fact that really take a while to truly understand, but he was throwing stuff at them so fast that he lost the kid's attention in a heartbeat and left their parents trying to have them sit still and pay attention and all that jazz. So then I was able to use some other teaching techniques that I had learned from some other great missionaries throughout the mission to help them understand very simply what we had just talked about, but then my comp just kept trudging on (still trying to decide who was more BYU Book Of Mormon teacher who put me to sleep every tuesday, thursday, and friday, or my comp...). He turned the time over to a member who started talking about his testimony of Joseph Smith and the Gold Plates before we had even finished the whole concept of a Prophet, but his wife was super awesome and was able to calmly notify him that he was jumping was too far ahead and she was able to tailor her testimony to their knowledge and progression. As my comp just started giving fact after fact on the reformers and the kids started running around and just going crazy while their parents were saying "Sit down!" and "Stop That"...and "Put that down!", and my comp just kept talking to them like he had their complete attention during the whole process. The Sister member that we had brought was doing a great job at putting the doctrine simply and applying it to them (God bless the Relief Society), so I saw that we needed to call an audible and change the whole plan before my comp decides to challenge them to baptism and they've completely spaced on the idea that there was an apostasy. I decided to take my experiences from the 4 months up at Mitchell Eagles and was able to just teach the little kids with my picture book and play games with my whiteboard very quietly while I trusted the parents and the 15 year old to Sister Parton who was saving the dry teaching. I would try and listen in for a couple seconds and give my input on what they were teaching while occupying all the kids, and my favorite part was when Jeremy, the 15 year old said, "When you were telling me about the Book Of Mormon, I said a little prayer to ask if it really was true, and I heard, 'Yes My Son'" As funny as the whole experience was, especially when he explained his answer on the church, it did teach me that no matter what we say, it will only be the spirit that will be converting others, and we can only do our best at setting the stage for him to come and for the investigator to understand him. So as frustrating of a lesson as it was for me, it taught me a few lessons, gave me an opportunity to play with some kids (haha it's been so long! You have to treat them and single women like the plague as a missionary), and also gave me the opportunity to teach my significant other haha. 

This week we had also brought out a couple of recent converts with us to go teaching, and as we started teaching the Word Of Wisdom, it turned into a complete drug war of stories with how much drugs someone had used or how bad they were or what they saw and all that. It turned into a fantastic lesson with us barely involved (due to our ignorance on being addicted and what to expect), but the recent converts were able to give strong testimonies and experiences about how they were able to overcome their addictions only through this church. In the words of Tommy, "The only inspiration I got from AA was to run across the street, go drink a beer, and never come back!" So he was able to show how the Gospel dwarfs any other addiction facility and they connected super super well. It turned into them sharing experience after experience and what principle would help them the most while we would just listen and laugh at what turned out to be our favorite quotes haha. One of my favorite stories was (viewer discretion advised) was when the member Jamie walked in her house and got a call from an Addiction therapist asking how her husband Tommy was doing and she said, "Well he's over in the corner messing around with the lamp, but he hasn't made a bong out of it yet so I think we're doing alright..." and then when she got another call she said, "Yeah he's just fixing the televi...wait a second..." It was hilarious but a good lesson and easily my favorite of the week. 

Well I hope that yall don't let the liberal cloud hang over you and if any of you are interested, Texas starts handing out residential forms if you live here for 6 months or more for when Texas secedes from the United States. Just about every living soul I've talked to here said that they would vote for it in a heartbeat haha. I've invited everyone over to California for when we blow away the borders and become an Island. It may be dominated by liberals, but all I know is that they don't have guns and won't stand a chance as we become our own country in alliance with Texas. Happy Birthday Grandma and congrats to Kenna for getting called to Temple square! I really can't believe just how many people are serving missions now, but at least I'll be able to tell my kids that I was serving a mission when there were only 55,000 missionaries. So good luck to whoever else turned in their papers, I'm always surprised because someone new makes the choice to serve just about every week now! Love yall!

Elder Justin Wilson

Monday, November 5, 2012


Well first off I want to give a shout out to Dad who is just about to get even older this Viernes. Sure love you and Happy Birthday! Well Fam I figured that I'd send a sort of small e-mail this week so that I can send y'all a bunch of pictures as I just figured out how to do it haha. This past week has been super awesome and we got to meet a ton of people and get a bunch of referrals at the Halloween Festival. I got to judge Chile which was way cool and the people out here didn't hold grudges against us after the judging, contrary to the results after Chile judging out in Oak Cliff on Pioneer day. For my costume...I decided that I should do something to get all of the members to remember my name, given that I'm a new Elder and all people remember about me is my Wyatt Earp comment that seemed to spread like wildfire. But I figured that I would be Wilson from "Cast Away", especially because there's white people in this Ward (the Mexicans in Oak Cliff didn't even know who Tom Hanks was so they didn't really get the comparison that I pulled from the movie...)
But sadly...volleyballs were apparently "out of season" (even though they sell every Hunting Weapon imaginable out here at all times of year, no matter what season it is haha), but I did get a basketball and cut through it for a mask and was able to wear it with a huge "WILSON" marked at my forehead haha. Most of the members got it and when the saw me would just yell "WILSON!!!!!", but when Elder Larson asked Bishop if he knew what I was, he thought I was just being a "Goofball"...we'll work on him a little more haha. But for trunk or treating, we were just about to head out to a family that we were teaching, but as we got to our car, all the kids came up to us and had their bags open...expecting something. So while everyone else gave them just a higher Dental Bill, we were able to spiritually strengthen them by bumping some Mo Tab and handing out cards or pamphlets. So for the rest of the night we saw a bunch of kids walking around trying to read "The Law of the Tithe and Fast Offerings" in Spanish. Oh yeah...and guess who we started teaching....Kenny Chesney. Well his name is Cory, but he looks close enough that I'll take it and we met him at the activity and took it from there so hopefully all goes well with him! Well I sure do miss everyone, especially at the start of this holiday season and I hope that all is going well with everyone...especially the Doughmans! I can't help but say that y'all sure picked a choice time to go live in Manhattan I sure hope everyone's safe and invite you over here to Texas! It's what all of Louisiana did during Hurricane Katrina so we're expecting a crowd to come down here for sometime! Love y'all and Happy Birthday Dad!
Elder Justin Wilson

Weekly Letter from the Mission Office

From the Assistants
Elders and Sisters,
This past week during Zone Leader Council one of the items that was discussed was our baptismal goal for the rest of 2012. Right now the mission has baptized 533 for the year. The goal that was decided was 670. In order for us to reach that goal there will need to be 69 baptisms in both November and December. That is 8 baptisms per zone per month. This past week there were 10 souls who were confirmed and brought unto Christ. That is a great start and we know that we can do even better! We can reach this goal with diligence and hard work. The Lord will bless us in our efforts to reach this goal. Currently there are 165 baptismal dates in the Texas Dallas Mission. Elders and Sisters it is possible! Continue to work hard and help all of our investigators make covenants with God. We know that they will be blessed with the strength to overcome their trials. Whether it is the Word of Wisdom or the Law of Chastity, through diligence and faith in Christ all things are possible. We love each one of you and look forward to working right alongside each of you as we work towards this goal of 670 in the year 2012. Thank you for your hard work!
Love Los Elderes Beatty  Flitton
From President Durrant
Congratulations to those of you who have reported reaching your individual Ward or Branch 2012 baptismal goals.  And many of you will do the same in the coming weeks.  Make sure that your ward leaders are aware that you are striving to help them reach their goals.  And take opportunity to celebrate success when it is reached.  Attaining these goals is a group effort - missionaries and members working together.
Elder Johansson update:  I spoke with him this week and he told me the healing process is taking place.  He had surgery on his ear about a month ago and he has another month or two of healing time before he will be allowed to return to the mission field.  He is doing all he can to be a missionary while he recovers at home in Gilbert, Arizona.
I want to commend Elder Visser, Elder Larson, and Elder Wilson.  They have reached their zone's Standards of Excellence in Greenville for three straight weeks!
My memorization scripture from last week was Matthew 28:19.  It states, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."  What a privilege we have right now to be doing exactly what Jesus Christ asked of His early apostles!
Over the weekend, Elder Tuma and Elder Stufflebeam were punched several times as they tried to visit a part-member family.  Elder Tuma's nose was broken and Elder Stufflebeam's jaw was broken.  They each received other cuts and bumps and bruises.  Through it all, they were strong and demonstrated positive, cheerful attitudes.  We pray for their prompt recoveries. 
Please do all you can to avoid situations that compromise your safety and security in all phases of our work.  Also, drive slower in your cars and on your bikes.  Safety first in all situations!
I love each one of you and I hurt when you hurt.  Please be careful!  I am praying for your spiritual and physical welfare every day, as are millions of others around the world.
M a M.  With love and admiration,
President Durrant
Texas Dallas Mission
"Mission of Miracles"

Overcoming fear with the Spirit.
On Friday, we received a media referral, who was ready to hear the gospel. We met with him, he told us he read the Book of Mormon in 3 days, but was very confused about it. He wanted to learn more, and so we taught the first discussion with him. He is very curious and wants to know why Latter Day Saints are so family oriented, why families are so close together, and why we are happy. We taught him the first discussion which he accepted and wanted to learn more. He wanted to keep in contact with us, he brought it up himself. He is planning on going to the Marines and was afraid he wouldn't be able to serve since he is killing people, but we assured him that many members serve our country and that it was ok to do so. He is such a neat person and wants to do what is right. I, personally, felt words flow out of my mouth, I was calm, and had no problem speaking about the Gospel. Usually I let my fears get the best of me and I am working on this daily, but to see myself do what I thought I could not do during the lesson with him tells me that I can do anything as long as I do not let my fears get to me. And I know that, but when we started to teach him the Gospel, my fears left me and I was able to carry on a normal conversation. How grateful I am for the Lord in helping his servants! It was an amazing lesson, the spirit was there, and we both did a wonderful job in making sure he felt it. There's no way he could not have felt it. But I am so grateful that the spirit was there to teach him in his heart and I hope to visit with him this week.
Elder McLain - The mistake that wasn't a mistake.
Precious is going to get baptized November 4th at 5pm. I have been working with her since my first week in this area. Elder Reynolds and I found her while looking through former investigators. We chose a teaching record of a family of four or five in the Frances Way Apartments. We went to the apartment number that we thought was theirs. Turns out, it wasn’t. I misread a seven and a two in the apartment number. Precious answered the door, read our tags, saying, “The Elders from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are here. Come on in and meet the man of the house.” We entered with the member that was with us and met Jimmy, an 84 year old retired Baptist preacher. He, of course, wanted to talk about Genesis 1:1 and go back to the beginning. After he continued to speak up about that in the lesson, I finally requested 10 minutes of silence from him. He nodded and we were able to share the message of the Restoration with all that were present. Precious was the most interested and none of the others in the house have been. The second time we visited her, she had read the Book of Mormon and received revelation from it. Since that week in August, we have dutifully worked with her and she has received a testimony of the Book of Mormon, the truthfulness of the Church. She texted us last night and thanked us for finding her. I will forever remember that.
Elder Clark - Talk to everyone.
On our way into the gas station there was this man standing outside of the door drinking a slurpee. Before going into the gas station we asked him if we could share a message about Jesus Christ with him. He accepted to let us teach him. He is from India. He converted from Islamic to a Baptist and was very open to learning. We taught him the Restoration and The Plan of Salvation in about 30 minutes outside the door of the gas station. He was very receptive and asking questions. At the end of the lesson we invited him to be baptized and he accepted. He is going to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. We have a return appointment with him for this next week. It was a testimony builder to me of the importance of talking to everybody. We could have easily gone into the gas station without talking to him, but we took the time to talk to him. I know the Lord blesses us for talking to everybody he puts in out path. I love this work. I know that this is truly the Lords work.
Elder Adams - Excellent teaching idea for children.
Tambien fijamos una fecha con una nina de 9 anos de una familia menos activa. Hicimos una leccion divertida acerca del bautismo en la cual le pusimos mi mochila y empezamos a agregar pesas, simbolizando pecados (mentir, no hacer caso a la mama, quitarle dinero a tu hermano, etc) y despues quitamos las pesas simbolizando el bautismo y se sintio mas libre y ligera y fue mas facil caminar bien. Ella se animo y la familia acepto esa meta. Esperamos que los padres hagan su parte ahora que la nina tiene ese deseo. Ha sido una buena experiencia ensenar a ninos pequenitos porque tengo que ensenar de manera mucho mas sencilla y entendible y entretenida.
How to earn member trust.
All of my companions have said that spending time with members earns their trust. I feel differently. The best way to gain trust is to go serve the non-members and get investigators and bring them to church. I don't need to spend more than an hour at dinner, or 20 minutes at other times, in order to help a member feel the missionary spirit. There are people that need my help!
Thanks for reading.

JANUARY                     45
FEBRUARY                  56
MARCH                        63
APRIL                           62
MAY                             38
JUNE                            39
JULY                            58
AUGUST                       37
SEPTEMBER                71
OCTOBER                    54
Oct 29-Nov 4                 10

Total                             533

Monday, October 29, 2012

Welcome Tuh Greenvull

Well, to give you a vivid description of what Greenville is like...when we drove into the so called "booming city" of Northeast Texas, I noticed that they had permanently hired two men in overalls with banjo's to constantly play bluegrass music and dance around the sign that said "WELCOME TO GREENVILLE." It sure is a completely different lifestyle from anywhere I've ever been before and has, by far, the lowest population in comparison to another other town I've lived in before. For a while I thought that we had maybe taken a wrong and somehow ended up in Arkansas, but that was until I got to meet the members of our Bishopbric. I would try to describe them to you, but I figured it would be an all around better idea to have you look up the members of the O.K. Corral Shootout, and you would happen to see our Priesthood Executive Council. It actually helped me out a little bit when I got to take a chance and give my introduction to the ward. First off, Texans don't like California, and they already had interesting thoughts when they heard I was from Los Angeles (which is why I love working with the Latinos because when they hear that I'm from L.A., it just means there's probably some relatives of theirs that live close by). Another fallback for me is due to the political excitement in this time and especially the Conservative Extremists that make up 99% of this ward. Most of you that know me would think that would be a bonus for me, but there is a midget named Brother Wilson in this ward that makes up the 1% of Liberal Extremeists. So for my introduction I just gave a little info about me, and then I talked about how when I got my mission call, I was excited to preach in a hat, boots, spurs, and possibly even a horse. I told them about how "what I got was a little different from what I expected for the past 6 months out in Oak Cliff, but when I finally got here to the Greenville and saw Wyatt Earp in the Bishopbric (while gesturing to our Second Counselor), I felt right at home." After that I saw that I clinched the support of the High Priests, Elders, and Young Men and it may take it little more work to get the whole Relief Society on board, but right after church everyone was telling me "You'll fit right in this Ward!" So I'm excited to be here, a little bummed at the situation for my Spanish, but I see an opportunity to grow. 

We have what is called a Spanish Group that meets at the same time as the Ward and their Goal is to become a branch...yeah...definitely time to make some improvements. And out of our whole Ward, about 28% of all of the members are active, so I made it very explicit to the ward and group that through working together and using us as the tools that we are, we are going to see some miracles. I'm a little bummed about the whole being in an English ward, but I am super super excited that the language barrier doesn't exist for the time being and will help us get a lot done around here. 

On the way good news side, I was permitted on the down low by the Assistants to go to the baptism for Daisy and Esther down in Oak Cliff. We are only allowed to go to baptisms out of our area if they are in a certain mile radius, but Greenville is way out there so I just said bye and was way bummed that I couldn't go, but with the help of Elder Rodriguez, I got permitted to leave! (On the condition that nobody else knew so that the assistants don't start getting all of these calls about leaving for far baptisms.) Elder Rodriguez said he called the assistants, and after getting denied a couple times from getting the permission for me to come down, he asked them, "So, he was going to baptize a 10 year old girl, but since he can't anymore...I was going to tell her, but I'd rather see if Elder Wilson can call out of his Zone and tell her that he can't baptize her...." Haha that kid works wonders! But after that guilt trip, I was finally permitted to go and help the rest of the Jara family with their baptism! It was such an amazing experience and a little emotional for me especially because of how doubtful everyone was of getting the whole family involved and that only Manuel was ready. Well I guess that's life out here, working hard and living the dream! We hit standards of excellence this past week and I was also able to help out with the baptism of this way awesome guy named Tommy (shout out to Tommy Ludlow!) I seriously couldn't stop thinking of Tommy Ludlow everytime that we had a lesson with the big Tommy, but he's way ready and we're taking him to the Temple sometime soon!

Tommy Ludlow after his Baptism. He insisted we all strike Justin's famous Baptism pose
So much more info, but only so much time...well here's my new address:

4701 Sayle St. #144 Greenville, Texas 75401
and I hope you all are getting excited for more and more fall weather! It's crazy crazy cold up here...but I'm in a car area haha score. Well I love you all and can't wait to update everyone on whats going on down here in Hickville! 

Elder Justin Wilson

Monday, October 22, 2012

How The Good Always Seems To Have An Ending...

Well, four transfers and just about 6 months of trials, blessings and all sorts of awesome, scary, and amazing experiences...and it's time to leave Oak Cliff. I'm really going to miss this place, but even more so, all the amazing people I was able to meet and spend time with. But I'm determined to do like other missionaries in times before...I'm going to come and serve here again sometime or another!!! But as for now, I'm just packing all my stuff to get ready to leave on out to Greenville Texas. I've never heard of the place but it's apparently an hour and a half north east of downtown Dallas bridging the...farmland folk haha. But hey, what better place to be for the release of Taylor swift's new album than in the middle of farmtowm!  As bummed as I am to leave Oak Cliff with all the city life, ghettos, and Hispanics, I'm looking forward to a new area, companion and a whole new experience! But speaking of a new companion makes me think about how much I'm going to miss training Elder Martinez! 

One of my favorite experiences was a couple weeks ago when we were riding our bikes at night to an appointment and stumbled upon a group of about 15 bikers with the lights, vests and all that gear and good stuff. We thought it would be awesome to just merge in with if you happened to be driving through Oak Cliff that night, you would've seen a bike convoy with the tight shorts, vests, racer bikes...and then a two dudes wearing white shirts and ties taking up the rear. Everyone kept looking back at us, but the fact that we had the lights and everything and just happened to show up in the rear gave them a confused look on their faces...but they kept going on feeling a little weird as to how we just happened to show up. In that moment I saw a golden teaching opportunity and decided to tell the shy Elder Martinez to go up and contact the people in the ahead of us while we were riding. So after a couple of minutes and a lot of persuasion, Elder Martinez finally made his way up to the man biking ahead of us, and after riding right next to him for a minute or so, he just looked over at him and nervously asked, "So....have you heard of the Book Of Mormon?" I just about crashed I was laughing so hard haha oh classic mission stories. Well as far as cool events that happened this past week...I was able to teach Shakira (no joke), Elder Martinez's bike broke...again haha and he said "All I need is a rubber band, paperclip, and a toothpick." So we pulled a MacGyver and made it home safely! But I'm not going to lie, one of the best parts of these past couple weeks was when I saw 11 out of the 12 converts that we have at church on the same day! One of our converts was about to be confirmed that day, but her baby started crying and she had the "I don't know what to do" look on her face, until another one of our converts came up to take care of the baby, calming it down and allowing Hermana Martinez to recieve the Holy Ghost. Converts helping out really just doesn't get much better than that! I feel so blessed out here and am so excited to see what's around the corner in Greenville Texas! I love you all and que les vaya bien!

Elder Justin Wilson

Thursday, October 18, 2012

What Happens When The Ghostbusters Go Out Of Business

Hola Familia! I got a letter from Rachel that was talking about how crazy it is that our family is all spread out from the homeland of California to Idaho to Texas, all the way over to New York and the other east states. It is pretty crazy to think about, but I hope things are going well and I'll give you guys a quick update on what's going on down here in Texas. First off, Monday was super crazy and we didn't get a chance to do e-mail so we got it cleared to e-mail another day, but one thing that I was just wondering was if Mom was going to call the mission office after not getting an update haha. These past few weeks have flown by and I feel like October started yesterday, but we've been having a ton of fun down here getting all sorts of calls to do this and that. My favorite was when one of our baptisms called us because they have been having problems with...what they believe to be evil spirits and all sorts of crazy stuff happening, so Jacobo gave us a call and told us that he wasn't going back inside that room of his until we came to cast out whatever was haunting it. Me and Elder Rodriguez (the dream team back together for exchanges!) looked at each other and just started singing the Ghostbusters theme song haha, so we got our sweet jackets on, whatever weapons were inspired by Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray, and went to take care of business. In all seriousness, we went in and I was able to set it apart, and I'm not going to was pretty creepy there, and some crazy stuff went down, especially outside after we set the house apart, but I guess that's Halloween fun for the missionaries. Another lesson we have learned about the power of the enemy, is most definitely the wind. If it starts getting really windy wherever you are, you can count on it that there are some biking missionaries coming the exact opposite direction. 

The wind has been absolutely killing us, and these past few months of biking have given me a testimony that the Lord is actively a part of this work because there is no possible way that we would be able to bike as much as we have without his help! But thank you guys so much for the gloves and backpack! I was seriously about to buy a pair of gloves that Monday after I thought my hands were going to freeze off, but I figured I'd be thrifty for once and you guys answered my survive winter in Texas. But the work down here has been going great, setting more baptismal dates, committing more and more people to church along with activating one of my trainer, Elder Lee's converts down here. It's quite the thrill to be heading the work out here and I love it! This past week we were also able to baptize Erika Martinez and her daughter Emily! It was so awesome to see the progression that family has made ever since we knocked their door a couple months ago and came in to bless their new baby. But with all of this progression that we have been seeing with so many people, we have also seen the adversary's efforts increase too and he's putting our converts through a lot, so we're fervently praying and helping them to get through all of these trials. But I remember Grammy telling me a couple years ago, "Nothing is free." As simple of a quote as it is, it really has left me thinking that someone always has to pay for something, and the greater the trial, the sweeter the reward. I love you all and hope life all over the country goes well! 

Love Elder Justin Wilson

Monday, October 8, 2012

Ask The Missionaries!!!

Wow! What a weekend it has been! Conference has been by far the best out of all the sessions I've seen and really connected to a lot of people. But easily the coolest part was President Monson's announcement for all the youth that the opportunity to serve a mission has been opened to a younger generation! How crazy it is that the norm will now be getting out of High School and off to the mission! It's going to require a much more mature generation and is perfect to prepare for whatever is in the future! And for all the Young Women with the thought of serving a mission...that was a pretty bold answer and I guess shows just how effective the sisters are out here in the field. Another part that made me smile every time I heard it was Elder Neilson's quote, "Ask The Missionaries!" It felt super surreal being the source that he was directing to, but we counted that talk as a referral haha. And Elder Holland's talk left my mouth wide open when he called out every missionary that has stood in a baptismal font with his hand to the square saying "Having Been Commissioned Of Jesus Christ." Just like always, he ended up hitting me straight to the core. I thought a lot about that and how he can cry repentance so firmly, and we all love him for it! And I even read in the Book of Mormon about how Amulek called Zeezrom a "child of hell" and we figured that we needed to up our call to repentance, so me and Elder Martinez are working on giving Alma and Amulek a run for their money! 

This past week has been awesome and we have been amping up the work here breaking the lesson record again by teaching 33 lessons...all pretty much about inviting people to conference and the importance of a prophet in these latter days. We had a lot of success with that and now we're excited to share even more of the messages that we heard, and even more excited to try new contacting ideas that we got after conference. And I'd like to send this message out to Uncle Scotty whose words were just ringing in my ears last night during our door contacts. I remember him telling me about his mission experiences when he sang along with Uncle Jimmy and the success that he found by inviting the spirit through hymns. I just heard his quote in my mind "When the Spirit tells you you're better flex those vocal chords're gonna sing whether you like it or not!" Well I hope everyone knows how much I dislike singing in front of people haha...but yesterday I can say that I cleared that hurdle. I just told myself after conference that I would pay attention to every small prompting and do it...and the Lord took me a little by surprise but I did it! and why did nobody tell me how cold it gets here?!?! I was dying seriously felt like Utah all over again...but humid and super windy! I just about died on the bike, and I can't say that I'm looking forward to the winter, especially because all I wanted was to serve in a place that wasn't cold...quite ironic. But this past week was awesome and we have a great one coming up! Love you all and I challenge you to do what my Book of Mormon teacher challenged us to do...every conference...give something up to the Lord to bring you closer to him! 
Elder Justin Wilson

Monday, October 1, 2012

I Got Myself A Greenie!!!

This past week has been absolutely crazy, but long story short, I am no longer in Oak Cliff West.  I was transferred back down to the Restored Oak Cliff South Area this past Wednesday to train Elder Martinez who is straight from the MTC. He is currently waiting for his visa to come through so he can get sent to his mission in TampicoMexico, but he is super solid! 

It is pretty ironic training in the apartment where I was trained, and it feels like a ton of responsibility, but I am way excited to be leading this area and know that we are going to find some serious success back here, even though we are starting from scratch. Speaking of which, we set a baptismal date this past Thursday with Jose Luis Rivera, who actually lived in Saugus for two months! I couldn't believe how small of a world it is, especially when I commented on his truck and all the cool add on's it has (SHOUT OUT TO MARKY!!!); when I asked him where he got the work done, he said it was at a place called BIG JOHNS. I couldn’t believe it, but he's way solid and totally opened up his house to us.  He said that we could come by and eat whatever and was just about ready to give us a key so that we could use his house for anything that we needed it for—what a great guy. 
We've spent the past week pretty much focusing on inviting everyone to hear the Prophet President Monson speak. It has been very cool, especially because whenever you come with a question, you will always get an answer! I'm a little bummed that I can't teach the Jara, Martinez, or so many other families I loved spending time with, but I'm way excited to find new success through our work, obedience, and diligence. 
So I'm back at the Camp Wisdom address (6363 Camp Wisdom Rd #215Dallas TX75236). And I just wanted to give a shout out to my boy HUNTER!!! Haha you better get used to the name Hunter now because I cannot believe that your two years is already up!? Man it sure is crazy how time flies, but I'm way proud of you and all the work you've done down in Chile!!! Totally crazy that I won't be seeing you for another 17 months, but it'll be an awesome reunion for sure! 

Well, I love and miss you all and hope that you are all starting to feel some beautiful fall weather like we're starting to get here in Texas. All the time I've lived in Californiahas made me take perfect weather for granted I guess haha. Les Quiero!
Elder Justin Wilson

Another Shout Out....HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL!!!!! Cannot believe that you're almost 18!!! Have fun and party it up at good old Rexburg, but don't have too much fun haha...btw who is Braxton?!?! I'm going to need a serious explanation!!! Love you! Elder Wilson