Monday, October 1, 2012

I Got Myself A Greenie!!!

This past week has been absolutely crazy, but long story short, I am no longer in Oak Cliff West.  I was transferred back down to the Restored Oak Cliff South Area this past Wednesday to train Elder Martinez who is straight from the MTC. He is currently waiting for his visa to come through so he can get sent to his mission in TampicoMexico, but he is super solid! 

It is pretty ironic training in the apartment where I was trained, and it feels like a ton of responsibility, but I am way excited to be leading this area and know that we are going to find some serious success back here, even though we are starting from scratch. Speaking of which, we set a baptismal date this past Thursday with Jose Luis Rivera, who actually lived in Saugus for two months! I couldn't believe how small of a world it is, especially when I commented on his truck and all the cool add on's it has (SHOUT OUT TO MARKY!!!); when I asked him where he got the work done, he said it was at a place called BIG JOHNS. I couldn’t believe it, but he's way solid and totally opened up his house to us.  He said that we could come by and eat whatever and was just about ready to give us a key so that we could use his house for anything that we needed it for—what a great guy. 
We've spent the past week pretty much focusing on inviting everyone to hear the Prophet President Monson speak. It has been very cool, especially because whenever you come with a question, you will always get an answer! I'm a little bummed that I can't teach the Jara, Martinez, or so many other families I loved spending time with, but I'm way excited to find new success through our work, obedience, and diligence. 
So I'm back at the Camp Wisdom address (6363 Camp Wisdom Rd #215Dallas TX75236). And I just wanted to give a shout out to my boy HUNTER!!! Haha you better get used to the name Hunter now because I cannot believe that your two years is already up!? Man it sure is crazy how time flies, but I'm way proud of you and all the work you've done down in Chile!!! Totally crazy that I won't be seeing you for another 17 months, but it'll be an awesome reunion for sure! 

Well, I love and miss you all and hope that you are all starting to feel some beautiful fall weather like we're starting to get here in Texas. All the time I've lived in Californiahas made me take perfect weather for granted I guess haha. Les Quiero!
Elder Justin Wilson

Another Shout Out....HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL!!!!! Cannot believe that you're almost 18!!! Have fun and party it up at good old Rexburg, but don't have too much fun haha...btw who is Braxton?!?! I'm going to need a serious explanation!!! Love you! Elder Wilson

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