Thursday, October 18, 2012

What Happens When The Ghostbusters Go Out Of Business

Hola Familia! I got a letter from Rachel that was talking about how crazy it is that our family is all spread out from the homeland of California to Idaho to Texas, all the way over to New York and the other east states. It is pretty crazy to think about, but I hope things are going well and I'll give you guys a quick update on what's going on down here in Texas. First off, Monday was super crazy and we didn't get a chance to do e-mail so we got it cleared to e-mail another day, but one thing that I was just wondering was if Mom was going to call the mission office after not getting an update haha. These past few weeks have flown by and I feel like October started yesterday, but we've been having a ton of fun down here getting all sorts of calls to do this and that. My favorite was when one of our baptisms called us because they have been having problems with...what they believe to be evil spirits and all sorts of crazy stuff happening, so Jacobo gave us a call and told us that he wasn't going back inside that room of his until we came to cast out whatever was haunting it. Me and Elder Rodriguez (the dream team back together for exchanges!) looked at each other and just started singing the Ghostbusters theme song haha, so we got our sweet jackets on, whatever weapons were inspired by Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray, and went to take care of business. In all seriousness, we went in and I was able to set it apart, and I'm not going to was pretty creepy there, and some crazy stuff went down, especially outside after we set the house apart, but I guess that's Halloween fun for the missionaries. Another lesson we have learned about the power of the enemy, is most definitely the wind. If it starts getting really windy wherever you are, you can count on it that there are some biking missionaries coming the exact opposite direction. 

The wind has been absolutely killing us, and these past few months of biking have given me a testimony that the Lord is actively a part of this work because there is no possible way that we would be able to bike as much as we have without his help! But thank you guys so much for the gloves and backpack! I was seriously about to buy a pair of gloves that Monday after I thought my hands were going to freeze off, but I figured I'd be thrifty for once and you guys answered my survive winter in Texas. But the work down here has been going great, setting more baptismal dates, committing more and more people to church along with activating one of my trainer, Elder Lee's converts down here. It's quite the thrill to be heading the work out here and I love it! This past week we were also able to baptize Erika Martinez and her daughter Emily! It was so awesome to see the progression that family has made ever since we knocked their door a couple months ago and came in to bless their new baby. But with all of this progression that we have been seeing with so many people, we have also seen the adversary's efforts increase too and he's putting our converts through a lot, so we're fervently praying and helping them to get through all of these trials. But I remember Grammy telling me a couple years ago, "Nothing is free." As simple of a quote as it is, it really has left me thinking that someone always has to pay for something, and the greater the trial, the sweeter the reward. I love you all and hope life all over the country goes well! 

Love Elder Justin Wilson

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