Monday, October 29, 2012

Welcome Tuh Greenvull

Well, to give you a vivid description of what Greenville is like...when we drove into the so called "booming city" of Northeast Texas, I noticed that they had permanently hired two men in overalls with banjo's to constantly play bluegrass music and dance around the sign that said "WELCOME TO GREENVILLE." It sure is a completely different lifestyle from anywhere I've ever been before and has, by far, the lowest population in comparison to another other town I've lived in before. For a while I thought that we had maybe taken a wrong and somehow ended up in Arkansas, but that was until I got to meet the members of our Bishopbric. I would try to describe them to you, but I figured it would be an all around better idea to have you look up the members of the O.K. Corral Shootout, and you would happen to see our Priesthood Executive Council. It actually helped me out a little bit when I got to take a chance and give my introduction to the ward. First off, Texans don't like California, and they already had interesting thoughts when they heard I was from Los Angeles (which is why I love working with the Latinos because when they hear that I'm from L.A., it just means there's probably some relatives of theirs that live close by). Another fallback for me is due to the political excitement in this time and especially the Conservative Extremists that make up 99% of this ward. Most of you that know me would think that would be a bonus for me, but there is a midget named Brother Wilson in this ward that makes up the 1% of Liberal Extremeists. So for my introduction I just gave a little info about me, and then I talked about how when I got my mission call, I was excited to preach in a hat, boots, spurs, and possibly even a horse. I told them about how "what I got was a little different from what I expected for the past 6 months out in Oak Cliff, but when I finally got here to the Greenville and saw Wyatt Earp in the Bishopbric (while gesturing to our Second Counselor), I felt right at home." After that I saw that I clinched the support of the High Priests, Elders, and Young Men and it may take it little more work to get the whole Relief Society on board, but right after church everyone was telling me "You'll fit right in this Ward!" So I'm excited to be here, a little bummed at the situation for my Spanish, but I see an opportunity to grow. 

We have what is called a Spanish Group that meets at the same time as the Ward and their Goal is to become a branch...yeah...definitely time to make some improvements. And out of our whole Ward, about 28% of all of the members are active, so I made it very explicit to the ward and group that through working together and using us as the tools that we are, we are going to see some miracles. I'm a little bummed about the whole being in an English ward, but I am super super excited that the language barrier doesn't exist for the time being and will help us get a lot done around here. 

On the way good news side, I was permitted on the down low by the Assistants to go to the baptism for Daisy and Esther down in Oak Cliff. We are only allowed to go to baptisms out of our area if they are in a certain mile radius, but Greenville is way out there so I just said bye and was way bummed that I couldn't go, but with the help of Elder Rodriguez, I got permitted to leave! (On the condition that nobody else knew so that the assistants don't start getting all of these calls about leaving for far baptisms.) Elder Rodriguez said he called the assistants, and after getting denied a couple times from getting the permission for me to come down, he asked them, "So, he was going to baptize a 10 year old girl, but since he can't anymore...I was going to tell her, but I'd rather see if Elder Wilson can call out of his Zone and tell her that he can't baptize her...." Haha that kid works wonders! But after that guilt trip, I was finally permitted to go and help the rest of the Jara family with their baptism! It was such an amazing experience and a little emotional for me especially because of how doubtful everyone was of getting the whole family involved and that only Manuel was ready. Well I guess that's life out here, working hard and living the dream! We hit standards of excellence this past week and I was also able to help out with the baptism of this way awesome guy named Tommy (shout out to Tommy Ludlow!) I seriously couldn't stop thinking of Tommy Ludlow everytime that we had a lesson with the big Tommy, but he's way ready and we're taking him to the Temple sometime soon!

Tommy Ludlow after his Baptism. He insisted we all strike Justin's famous Baptism pose
So much more info, but only so much time...well here's my new address:

4701 Sayle St. #144 Greenville, Texas 75401
and I hope you all are getting excited for more and more fall weather! It's crazy crazy cold up here...but I'm in a car area haha score. Well I love you all and can't wait to update everyone on whats going on down here in Hickville! 

Elder Justin Wilson

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