Monday, November 26, 2012

After almost 7 Months...And 6 Full Meals...

Wow what an awesome week this has been! First of all I was finally able to go to the Dallas Temple this past week and it was my first time going for 7 months! What a refresher! It was an awesome place to just leave all the stress and worries from the mission and just take a breather. It's super small and aint the LA temple, but it'll do haha. And I also wanted to give a shout out to Dani and a congrats on getting your call to Tampa FLORIDA!!! It was seriously a couple minutes before I started writing this letter I had watched a video on about a Professional Golfer who was called to serve as a Mission President, and while I was watching the video I thought for sure I know someone in his mission due to the tons of people I know that are serving now. When I saw Tampa, I just thought ah bummer I don't know anyone in his mission...and a couple minutes later I got the e-mail informing me on the big news haha! 

Well as for this past was a Thanksgiving I will always remember but NEVER live again. I just can't imagine how bad it was for my health but the scoop is that a member came and took us out to breakfast at 8:00 in the morning, and we kept running back and forth from one dinner to the next until 8:30 at night, which accumulated to 6 full meals. I made sure that to embrace the Thanksgiving meal spirit, I would eat a turkey leg and some pie at every house, and the results were not pretty. After time my body was able to restore itself to the normal skinny looking form, but that Thanksgiving stomach looked like a nightmare. But again, thank the Lord for the metabolism that he has blessed me with and I have promised myself that I will never try to eat that much food ever again! 

Some other experiences that were way awesome this past week was when I went on exchanges down in Rowlett and we just blitzed that area and just about tracted a couple neighborhoods out! One of the coolest times was while we had just got out of a lesson and were just walking down the street, we just said "hi" to this one black family. As they gave us the courteous "not interested" deal, and while we left we heard the little black kid say, "Dad...what are they doing?" He responded, "They're just out spreading the gospel." His kid replied, "Where???", and then we just heard hiim say, "Everywhere..." It was so sick we heard music play in the background and it was like everything started going in slow motion as we were "carrying the word." But it did make me think about the standard that we are held up to and just what other people think and expect of us as members of the Church of Jesus Christ. We sure are excited for this time of the year, almost as excited as I was when I met Kobe...the original Kobe haha that was about 74 years old while we were tracting, but it's a time of year where others are humble and willing to accept. We get to focus on the birth of our Savior, and really what changed the world. So again, what a great opportunity to share what we know with others! One of my favorite sayings is "The Best Time To Share The Gospel Is Now!" We are just lucky enough to live in a country that devotes a whole season to it, and I hope yall can take advantage of it! I'm way stoked that everyone is leaving on a mission, getting calls, preparing, serving, or just about to return! Its crazy and awesome to see just how many are involved in this marvelous work! I love and miss yall and hope you enjoy the rest of November! Happy Birthday to Mom and Brett!!! 

Elder Justin Wilson

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