Monday, October 8, 2012

Ask The Missionaries!!!

Wow! What a weekend it has been! Conference has been by far the best out of all the sessions I've seen and really connected to a lot of people. But easily the coolest part was President Monson's announcement for all the youth that the opportunity to serve a mission has been opened to a younger generation! How crazy it is that the norm will now be getting out of High School and off to the mission! It's going to require a much more mature generation and is perfect to prepare for whatever is in the future! And for all the Young Women with the thought of serving a mission...that was a pretty bold answer and I guess shows just how effective the sisters are out here in the field. Another part that made me smile every time I heard it was Elder Neilson's quote, "Ask The Missionaries!" It felt super surreal being the source that he was directing to, but we counted that talk as a referral haha. And Elder Holland's talk left my mouth wide open when he called out every missionary that has stood in a baptismal font with his hand to the square saying "Having Been Commissioned Of Jesus Christ." Just like always, he ended up hitting me straight to the core. I thought a lot about that and how he can cry repentance so firmly, and we all love him for it! And I even read in the Book of Mormon about how Amulek called Zeezrom a "child of hell" and we figured that we needed to up our call to repentance, so me and Elder Martinez are working on giving Alma and Amulek a run for their money! 

This past week has been awesome and we have been amping up the work here breaking the lesson record again by teaching 33 lessons...all pretty much about inviting people to conference and the importance of a prophet in these latter days. We had a lot of success with that and now we're excited to share even more of the messages that we heard, and even more excited to try new contacting ideas that we got after conference. And I'd like to send this message out to Uncle Scotty whose words were just ringing in my ears last night during our door contacts. I remember him telling me about his mission experiences when he sang along with Uncle Jimmy and the success that he found by inviting the spirit through hymns. I just heard his quote in my mind "When the Spirit tells you you're better flex those vocal chords're gonna sing whether you like it or not!" Well I hope everyone knows how much I dislike singing in front of people haha...but yesterday I can say that I cleared that hurdle. I just told myself after conference that I would pay attention to every small prompting and do it...and the Lord took me a little by surprise but I did it! and why did nobody tell me how cold it gets here?!?! I was dying seriously felt like Utah all over again...but humid and super windy! I just about died on the bike, and I can't say that I'm looking forward to the winter, especially because all I wanted was to serve in a place that wasn't cold...quite ironic. But this past week was awesome and we have a great one coming up! Love you all and I challenge you to do what my Book of Mormon teacher challenged us to do...every conference...give something up to the Lord to bring you closer to him! 
Elder Justin Wilson

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