Monday, December 17, 2012

Only 4 More Days Left To Live...

What's up yall?!? Dang this whole Christmas season deal came out of nowhere!!! But things up here in Greenvull are going fantastic and we just baptized a man who had to overcome some serious trials this past Saturday so we are super super super stoked for him! And we also had two baptismal interviews this past week so we're getting ready for two more services this week! The only thing standing in the way is that the world will end in about 4 days so...the bonus is that we have a baptism on the 20th! We think that he's just a little superstitious, but if that will get him in the'll do haha. And then we have a Baptism on the 22, confirmation on the 23, P-Day on Christmas Eve...and then Christmas!!! Saweet  and to answer your question Mom, I do have a Christmas tree...and it stands triumphantly at about 1 feet tall....and proud of it!

And I also wanted to shout out to Karly who finally got her call to the Philippines! So stoked for you. It's going to be amazing to see a 6 foot 2 sister walking around with a bunch of 4 foot 11 Asian Islanders. That picture is just too rich! And also for this last week, he had a huge celebration of 12/12/12/12/12. And someone please make sure that Marcus reads this because it will be useless if he doesn't haha, but on the 12th second of the 12th minute of the 12th hour of the 12th day of the 12th month of 2012, in honor of its Mexican recognition as la Dia De La Virgin De Guadalupe, we chugged canned YooHoo's, following which we spun for 30 seconds around a glass YooHoo, jumped over it, and then I chugged the glass YooHoo, in honor of good times. And then I crushed the can. But my personal favorite highlight of the week was when Santa got completely mobbed by the whole Greenville ward. I remember our Primary President a couple minutes before the activity muttering to herself, "note to self...don't ever accept to put on the Ward Christmas party..." It was seriously open chaos, and to add onto that, only dessert was available for kids to just get a higher sugar rush. We had brought a bunch of investigators which made us a little nervous, especially when Santa made his surprise visit and became a magnet to every child in the building and almost got tackled. It was awesome, and one of those you had to be there moments, but it's was way sick!

But off on a random tangent, this past week I saw a serious principle take play in my life. It may not be so special to everyone, but I had this question that had been hanging around in the back of my mind for about 4 months! I had searched and searched and searched the scriptures to find out....where on Earth did the Asians come from?!? It is an honest question that has stuck with me the more that I have learned about the history of the world, human race, and continuing onto Israel and how they all broke off, but it for real had been bothering me forever! It was only a personal thing until one of our investigators told us that a family member doesn't believe in Christianity because it never talks about Asians. In the Bible, you can link a lot of races back to certain ancestors, but he had done some studying and came to the conclusion that Christianity was just the brainchild of Constantine. But while I was reading through the teachings of the Prophet Joseph Fielding Smith, I stumbled upon some information about Joseph of Egypt's marriage to an Egyptian Women. One person had a question about how would it be possible for a holder of the Priesthood to marry into the curse of the priesthood, which we find in the Pearl Of Great Price was preserved by Egyptus who was "of the Loins of Ham." (If you want to find out how he received the curse of the priesthood, look in Genesis to the part right after Noah got off the Ark to see what prank and scoffing Ham pulled on the Dispensational leader.) The question also arises through Ishmael, Hagar, and her son's standing with the priesthood. 

Well, I read about how through careful scripture study in Genesis paired with the history of Abraham and the book of Moses, the Semitic race was the first to enter into Asia and continue to spread. Through time, there was a group from the Semitic race called the Hyskos that came into Egypt and through some serious war, took control and dethroned the original Egyptian kingdom. During the reign of the Hyskos, Joseph was sold into Egypt and was eventually put at second in command. The woman he married, daughter of the king, was of the original Semitic race, therefore not carrying the curse of the priesthood and leading up the the original righteous son's of Noah (Japeth and Shem), confirming that Joseph married into a royal bloodline, which puts most of you...who are from the branch of Ephraim, at a royal powerful branch of the priesthood. But again, with time, the Hyskos were dethroned, chased back to Asia, and as we read in the scriptures, the reign of the Pharaoh "who knew not Joseph" (as we read in the start of Moses' story in Exodus) started. So those who carried the curse of the priesthood were put back into power, and that leads to the story of the Exodus of the House of Israel from Egypt. But the Semitic race branched off to India, and then China, and it just kept growing from there on out. I just can't wait until everything is revealed, and then we can find a Mongolian version of the Book Of Mormon- it's going to be so awesome! But yeah, when I found that, my comp thought that I was having a heart attack I was screaming so loud haha. It is absolutely amazing to just stumble upon truth, but if you have any questions or contradictions, please let me know! So much more that I've learned that I wish I could share! As cool as it is to get guns pulled on you and get chased by German Shepards while on bike and all those other awesome missionary experiences I have, I've learned that the most excitement out here in the missionary field comes through bringing others to the fold of God and purely learning! May not sound exciting, so that's why I challenge everyone to do it and find out how cool it is! Feliz feliz navidad to all and I hope everyone enjoys this awesome season! 

Elder Wilson

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