Monday, July 2, 2012

OaK Cliff Party Continues Strong!!!

Whats up everybody! This week has been pretty interesting and we had some pretty sweet findings out here in Oak Cliff recently. To start off I wanted to talk about the D.A.R.E. drug free program and say that all I remember was that in elementary school we just got the whole police department, fire department, (and I'm sure I remember a helicopter was apart of it somehow) but they were all telling us not to do drugs. I firmly believe that they should draft some people for this program out here in Oak Cliff and once these kids get to see these will be forever burned in their memories not to do drugs! First off there's the zombie guy...and the name should explain it all. He always two steps down the middle of the zombie speed with his arms always dangling and swaying haha. We took a video of him one time and he walked right by the car...totally unphased with his eyes still staring off into the distance while he (for some strange miracle) keeps slowly going two stepping down the street with his whole body swaying from side to side. I'm pretty bummed I can't send everyone of a video to really put in perspective just how "zombie-like" this person is, but it's an Oak Cliff classic! The next person is spinny guy. He cruises around always wearing a orange shirt, jeans, and huge orange shoes. He can't go 7 steps without spinning...unless he is crossing the street haha. He always starts off with a spin and then will just book it across the street, then once he gets to the other side he'll immediatley spin and get back to his 7-step, jump over and avoid every crack in the cement routine haha. So Oak Cliff has been a little too exposed to the drug market but I guess that's what we're here for. Speaking of which, one of our investigator's invited us to his Alchoholic's Anonymous meeting and he said there we can have the floor and contact everyone about a "spiritual awakening" so we are getting so stoked for that! For reals it's like 30 contacts in five minutes! He also invited us to this car show yesterday that was so awesome! It was full of scraper trucks, tricked out Crown Vic's, Lincolns and Mercurys with 30's, and then a whole section with cars decked out for the Dallas Cowboys. Coming from California I didn't think it was possible that Latinos could like any team other than the Raiders but I guess the Cowboys are the exception haha. My favorite part was when they had show off battles with the Hydrolics and just see who could get higher or scrape longer haha. We also got to have a very rare opportunity to meet an apostle yesterday! A little different from the apostles that are ordained of God, he had two tatoo's under both eyes that said "Jesus Saves" with the three crosses tatood on his forehead along with any other Christian symbol or saying that has been created (like the fish, lord's prayer, all that good stuff). His name was Jeremiah and he had this sweet staff and he probably thought he could turn that staff into a serpent and it was pretty much a 28 year-old, black version of Moses haha but my favorite part was talking to his wife. She was so matter-of-factly when she told us that her husband was an apostle. Once we heard that I had to take over the conversation a little because Elder Henze had just about lost it but whatever floats your boat I guess haha.
This past week has been super hot given the 103 degree weather and the 20 degrees that the humididty just about tacks on...and yes Dad...the thought did cross my mind a couple times this week that wishing to avoid the cold was maybe a bad idea. I'm not going to lie, I've definitely had times in my life where I thought I was sweating a lot, but I remember this one door approach that we did after spending about 20 minutes on the bikes, and with the sun completely to our backs...It didn't feel like water was leaving my body, but I seriously felt like my skin was just melting away. I felt just like a popsicle and that if that lady wouldn't stop talking that I would just melt down to bones or faint or something! I was ready to just about run because we tried to tell the lady that we'll come back another time, but she spent like 5 minutes just venting about this and that haha but that whole in-the-oven experience was one I'll never forget haha. We also found the one exsisting hill in all of Texas, and one of our refferals lived at the bottom of it. So the faster we were going the more we realized just how much this ride back was going to kill us...and it was then that I recieved another testimony that the church is true. As I was biking up the 107 degrees...wearing church clothes...with the humidity...the song "I Hope They Call Me On A Mission" came in my head and I thought, "There is no way they would make children sing this song unless it truly is worth it." Even though things get really rough and difficult days are more often than the good this past week when we had 6 appointments in a row and every single person dropped out, I love all the experiences I'm having out here, friends I'm making, things I'm learning, and know it's a good start to what will be an awesome 20 months!
Love and miss you all!
Elder Justin Wilson
Speaking of which, I had a really crazy dream this last week that was pretty much a flashback to the first grade, but instead of calling me Justin, everyone, even my teacher said "Elder Wilson" haha so I guess I'm getting used to the name change! Thanks so much for stopping by King Family! I had such an awesome time seeing you guys and will forever treasure my Mosque!

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