Monday, June 25, 2012


Well first of all I just wanted to write you guys and not have to make it all formal and share some mission experiences so if you guys want to send it out to family or anyone that really wants to hear from me...go for it. but I'd like to keep it for you guys. And I also wanted to share with you guys some of the amazing success I've been able to find out here and I just want you guys to see it as Alma chapter 26 type of bragging haha. This past week has been absolutely fantastic and its such a bummer that I only have so few minutes to write you guys about it, but once I get to work I forget about all my homesickness and the stuff I miss. Well on transfer weekends...the way it's supposed to go is that you get a call on saturday night if you are getting transfered. Elder Lee said that some have even carried over to Sunday morning, but that's about the farthest. But this past Tuesday, the day of Transfer meeting, our ever so dilligent A.P.s called Elder Lee and forgot to tell him that he's being transfered, so we spent that whole day just packing for him. But the funny part is that I'm being backup trained by Elder Henze who was trained by Elder Lee, and he was also backup trained by Elder Viuroetta who was trained by Elder Lee as well. We all are wondering what is going through President Durrant's head because this is the first time anything like this has happened but no matter. Me and Elder Henze have been clicking so well since day 1! And another thing is that my Spanish has been amazing! For coming up on four months, every Mexican, even the ones we don't know and just randomly contact, always compliment me on my Spanish! 
Elder Henze has 6 months out here but Elder Lee told me that my Spanish was better than his, and I didn't believe it until we started teaching, and then it got to the point where I have to take over most of our lessons and clear up confusion. but it is so awesome because I love being able to get more opportunities to step up and learn more and more and become more fluent in Spanish! I seriously wish you guys could've seen my spanish from day one to where it is now and you would know for sure that the gift of tongues is seriously real! The great part about it is that we can effectively teach and make mistakes here and there, which leads the Hispancs to have respect that we try to learn their language and it always gives us a sense of humility when they correct us and help us learn the language more. This past week I have just loved it out here so much and have grown so tremendously, and this past week, I felt on the spur of the moment that I should set the baptismal dates for the Dirk Nowitski family. They all accepted and were so awesome about it!!! They actually came to church yesterday (which...someone please tell the music lady to never ever choose Hymn 240 where it talks about how humans without agency are like pure animals and beasts.) It was really crazy because the talks were super deep about living worthy to hold the preisthood and not exercising unrighteous I was dying the whole time because when members get opportunities to speak they always take it way too far. But after I had set the baptismal dates with Karl, (and yeah...that is quite ironic that's his name) but I started thinking about how we could just baptize him and give him the opportunity to baptize his kids. When I thought about that, my mind just shifted and I thought about how what I was thinking wouldn't give us more numbers (which is what so many missionaries are out here to do...baptize millions), but truly bring this family that much closer to Christ, and helping us more fully complete our purpose. Then I was realizing why I was enjoying what I did so much and was receiving so many blessings this week. The past month was pretty rough and had very little success and every single family, even Angel's, dropped us. But we kept going trying to be as obedient as we could, and now we have seen such success this week where almost a fourth of all the homes we tract let us come in and teach! It is so amazing and we've even had a couple of people that come up to us and ask us to teach them! I really love it here in this area, and it's been pretty wierd this past while because one of my best freinds went home this last a lot of the conversation was about home. (My favorite part was when E' Nestman had a role play with E' Lee on how he was going to loose this girl who he tried to write off, but her Dad ended up writing him back and told him to write her and she's been waiting for him since haha....I was crying the whole time it was hilarious.) It's weird thinking about how everyone changes so much on their mission and how they come back so different. I'm not going to lie that definitely scared me because sure there's some things I could change...maybe I could get up a little earlier and spend less money on frivilous things, but I really want to come back with a stronger testimony and these awesome experiences, but kind of doing what I did before. It's wierd to think about, but this past week and how well me and Elder Henze have been meshing has been such a blessing to get me back in the work! I seriously wish I could send you guys videos of just some of the things that we've done that I look back and think, "we were totally led by the spirit to do that" or where we just made someones day better and we're doing everything that you would expect of a missionary, and loving it!
This past week I met Benjamin Franklin...okay it wan't him but he looked exactly like him, so we really wanted to take a picture with him haha. So we stopped him and ended up talking to him for a while. He was probably the nicest person I have ever met out in the field and It was such a blessing to be able to share how grateful we were to have the gospel in our lives. He was apart of another faith, but respected what we did so much and asked us to leave him with a prayer. He asked if I would offer it and we did one of those prayer circles where, we hold hands, and I don't remember what I said, but he ended up crying at the end of the prayer and asked us for the pass along card with the picture of Jesus on it and said he would always cherish it with tears running down his face. We were also teaching a 19 year old Spanish girl who was very religiously curious, and while I was talking, she stopped me and said something. I thought she didn't understand what I was saying so I worded my question differently and she answered it and we just kept going, After the lesson Elder Lee told me that she said that whenever I talk she just feels really good inside. Well I've had so many awesome experiences that I love sharing with you guys but I have to go now and love and miss you all so much!
Elder Wilson

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