Monday, July 9, 2012

Living The Dream In The OKC!!!

Wow this has been quite the week. Well to start it off I guess I would have to talk about my sweet opportunity to celebrate the birth of this great nation! One thing that did take me by surprise (because I thought I was in the middle of the super patriotic Texas) was that in oak cliff they only hold parades for cinco de mayo...and that's it haha. Down here the 4th is yet again an excuse for people to drink and go shooting so at first we tried to keep a tally of gunshots...but once we started losing count we decided to call it a night and head on in. At first I thought that they were just fireworks and wasn't too worried about them...until they tore through the trees and the sirens went off. But probably the craziest event for the week was when we decided to follow up on this family that we had taught before. So we had a whole lesson plan and all that jazz worked out on how we were going to teach them. We got super amped for it and when we showed up the kids were way stoked to see us and ran us over to their cozy little mobile home. We were so excited to get another lesson in and a progressing investigator, but as we walked in....DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN!!! Their pastor and his ever so lovely wife were already halfway through a lesson. Well I've been in some pretty awkward moments in my life but the moment we stepped in that door tops them all. We introduced ourselves and you should've seen the look and the pastors face when he told us his name was...Moises. Haha me and E' Henze just about lost it and knew that he totally had it changed to that but we were able to keep a straight face and just sit down and let them continue. It was terrible because they kept looking at us to get us to agree with whatever they were saying and even though we couldn't understand their Spanish perfectly...we knew that they were spewing false doctrine everywhere and so we just didn't say a word. So while they would just go on, me and Elder Henze were formulating a battle plan under our breath on what we were going to do. But then I remember hearing the wife talk about how the authority of God is pure faith (without works) and I got into it a little with her, but then I knew I had to stop and that the Spirit would just cruise on out if I started arguing. So Henze's watch alarm went off and we told them that we had another appointment to get to, stood up, just straight testified, said goodbye and took off. It totally killed me but I knew there was nothing that we could do about it but testify. I wanted so badly to prove that what they were saying was false and show them that we had the truth but that would've just led to a bash and a bad taste in everyone's we did what we could. But all I have to say is that if I can't get this family converted in this life...they sure will be in the next. On the good news for the week, we did get a refferal from the Elders in Ohio and started teaching an old investigator from there. She is way solid and we set a baptismal date with her this week and are so amped for that! The funny part was that she lives in the very bottom corner of our area...down in good old hickville. I didn't know that any farmland existed in our borders of the outskirts of Dallas, but as we were driving we saw a man with the classic stick and knapsack tied to it...and then we knew we had reached hickville. It's way awesome to have the Ghettos of the city and the very corners of the farmland in our area haha getting the best of both worlds! Well I love you all and miss you so much and hope that everything is going well down in the chosen land of Southern California! 
Con Amor y Deseo a vivir con este humedad y calor,  Elder Justin Wilson


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