Monday, July 23, 2012

Message From President Durrant

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 10:35 AM, Texas Dallas Mission <> wrote:
July 2012 #3
Monthly Focus for August 2012
  • PMG 5 What Is the Role of the Book of Mormon?
  • FUNDAMENTALS 4 Revelation through the Book of Mormon
  • PMG 9 How Do I Find People to Teach?
  • Train on the Missionary Handbook pages 69-82

Weekly Letter Request
Thank you for reporting your "Line in the Water" hours during July.  I hope that exercise was helpful in understanding how you and your companion spend your time and how you might use your time more effectively.
Please report each week during the month of August on one of two topics 1) how well you work with your companion as a team.  Send examples of companionship unity and service to each other.  Please also include how you and your companion overcome problems in the companionship when they arise or 2) share your best finding ideas. 
I may share some of your thoughts with others but only with your permission.
From President Durrant
I look forward to our August Zone Conferences/Texas Dallas Mission 2012 Olympics.  I loved interviews with each of you over the last few weeks.  You are an amazing group of people.  Thank you for inspiring me with the scriptures you memorized and for sharing your trials and triumphs with me.  
Thanks to Elders Bishop and Crockett for letting Sister Durrant and I teach with you all last week.  Your teaching and your counsel was very helpful and appreciated.
Let me also thank Elders Clark and Anderson and Elders Morris and Calderwood for inviting Sister Durrant and I to Kacie Kiser's baptismal service.  I loved every minute of the service, especially listening to Kacie's testimony after her baptism.  What a wonderful step for her to take in life particularly as she begins college in a few weeks.  And I'm confident that the presentation of The Restoration by Elders Morris and Clark touched the hearts of the five investigators that were present.  Well done.
Elder Morris also taught me a powerful lesson in our exit interview.  In response to my question about what he had learned on his mission he said, "The Lord will provide when you do your very best."  What a true statement!  But it does takes a lot of faith and a lot of work.  Sometimes we wonder why the Lord isn't providing.  Maybe the reason is because we aren't doing our very best.  I add my testimony and witness to the profound words of Elder Morris.  We will all miss you along with the 17 other tremendous missionaries who will be leaving us next week.
Upcoming Events
August 2 - Longview and Tyler Zones at the Tyler Shiloh building for Zone Conference/Texas Dallas Mission 2012 Olympics.
August 7 - Dallas English Zones (Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, Southeast) at the Carrollton Nazarene building for Zone Conference/Texas Dallas Mission 2012 Olympics.
August 15 - Dallas Spanish Zones (West Spanish, East Spanish, Suburbs Spanish) for Zone Conference/Texas Dallas Mission 2012 Olympics.
August 31 - Sisters Conference.  More details will be given by Sister Durrant at a later date.
News from the Field
Miracles - Elder Wilson
This week has been sprinkled with miracles everywhere where Elder Henze and I have been able to see really how ready the Lord is to bless you when you truly strive to be more obedient.
God sent you - Elder Allasia
E. Chappell went for it. 2 of them said no!! but one said yes, I going to listen, so we went away from the others and he told us, that last night he was praying to God, because he did some stuff wrong, and he was looking for direction, and we appeared, he said I know that God sent you. And we taught the restoration.
Best week - Elder Ricks
We had a fantastic week this week! It was the best week I've had in Duncanville. We found 3 new investigators! And we now have 3 baptismal dates! We had a lot of miracles happen.
Prayer - Elder Sorenson 
I know that the Lord answered our prayers of Faith! Prayer is the best way to see those miracles that the Lord wants to give each and every one of us! Through our diligence and our prayers of faith, we will be ready to receive those blessings. My testimony of prayer is strengthened every day because I see the blessings that come from sincere prayer. 
Fish - Elder Sinclair
We are trying our best to make the most effective use of our time as we travel, contact, and teach. ...We might have to switch our bait so we can catch more fish.  (From President Durrant: I liked how he extended the LITW concept.)
Joke from Hermana Spenner: Why were the Lamanite's knees so sore? Because there were too many Knee-fights (Nephites)! 
Joke from Elder Cox: Cual es la diferencia entre una pera y una novia de un misionero? Una es pera y la otra no esPERA! 
Humor from Elder Browning: Elder Stead will be getting his physical fitness merit badge here pretty soon with all of the hard core biking that Elder Moffitt puts out.  (From President Durrant: Anyone who can keep up with Elder Moffitt on a bike deserves some kind of a reward.  I think a merit badge is very appropriate.)
Contacting competition - Elder Weatherford
I can't tell you how grateful I am to be with Elder Jones. I also am grateful for the chance that I have to serve those around me. This week we had a contacting competition with Elder Kruger and Elder Haskin to see who could contact more people in a week. Well, it was close, but Elder Jones and I pulled it off. We beat them 201 to 198. It was really exciting. One of my goals this transfer was to contact over 200 people in one week. I've never done that before. Guess what we did it! I'm reaching all of my goals with Elder Jones: standards of excellence, 200 contacts, and just becoming a much better missionary. Things are going great. I'm so grateful and happy right now.
Love - Elder Keeney
I just wanted to say that I love being a missionary and serving here in Sulphur Springs. I love my Savior. I love my companion. I love the members here. I love the people I am able to meet and bring closer to Christ out here. I am so blessed. 
Conclusion - President Durrant
Have a great week.  Get ready.  The 2012 Olympics are just around the corner.  Thank you for all you give as you represent Jesus Christ in your respective areas.
3 Nephi 5:13 Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people (in the Texas Dallas Mission), that they might have everlasting life.
Texas Dallas Mission
"Mission of Miracles"

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