Monday, June 4, 2012

Lightning Storms!!!!

Man e-mail up here is so lame because we have to go to the Library to do it and they only gave me 20 minutes today but I'll try and tell you guys as fast as I can about all the good stuff out here! First off, this last week has been amazing with all the lightning and thunder!!! Last monday night, it was seriously like a movie. We were about to fall asleep and then a flash went off outside our window. So we thought it was maybe someone taking a picture or something and just shook it off. Then it happened again a couple minutes later, but we were too tired to we shook it off again. Then it happened a minute later and we decided to open the blinds and just wait to see what was going on. Then it started to rain and we finally noticed all the lightning! It was one of the most amazing things I've seen in my life. It seriously got to the point where there would be lightning flashes within 5 seconds of each other...and just like in movies...we would hear the rain pattering while the window would light up every  couple of seconds and we would hear the thunder boom off in the distance. It was amazing to fall asleep to and the constant lightning lasted throughout the night so we ended up falling asleep to it. I remember waking up and lightning was still going off, but I went throughout my normal schedule, and after being captivated by all the lightning the night before, I was a little more tired than usual. When it came to personal study time...I just couldn't stop myself and ended up falling asleep (which, Mom, I promise that doesn't happen a lot.) Then, the loudest thunder I had ever heard in my life shook our whole apartment and totally woke me up! I took it as a sign and was a little bit more diligent about my personal study haha. 
Man it is super crazy how much I have learned this week and wish I had enough time to tell you all of it! We have had a pretty crazy week with some serious testimony throwdowns and have been teaching some pretty lost people. One guy that we've been seeing often is a man whose girlfriend broke up with him about 7 months ago and he just can't get over it, and when I say that, I mean he never leaves his house and just pouts all day...for the past 7 months. So everytime we see him, it turns into him explaining to us how sad his life is and we teach him or try to get him amped to set goals or something, but then he talks about his church "Jesucristo Es Mi Refugio" which is the biggest testament to how gullible Latinos are. They just don't understand how this church is literally robbing them with a neon sign that advertises "Salvation and Miracles all day every day" with an Inc. symbol attached to it. He even told us that they have a prophet there because he was able to name some people in the crowd...and that was his miracle. We keep asking him how this church has helped him change his life and he always draws a blank, and after so many visits with him and teaching him about how our messages will change his life for the better, we decided that we needed to take a more bold approach to get him to really understand how pitiful he is making his life. We just testified about how this is the only true church that follows the teachings and doctrine of Christ, and as we were going on about it...we saw it just pierce his very core. He all of the sudden just said "I have to go!" (Which he never leaves his house.) So he had us leave...but it was a testament that every knee will bow and every tounge confess that Jesus is the Christ and that this is his church. 
Well I love and miss you all and can't wait to tell you more next week!!
 Elder Justin Wilson

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