Monday, June 11, 2012

Last Week Of The First Transfer!!!

Hey howdy hey!!! I cannot believe it but in this upcoming week I will be moving on to my second transfer! It is super crazy that this one is almost over and it's definately a bummer because some of my best friends in this District are going to be leaving in this next week but I guess that's how the mission goes. First off I want to say way to go Mom with all of the work that you have put into Youth Conference and I know that everyone appreciates it! This one kid in our Ward was asking me about the Youth Dances and Conferences and stuff and I told him about all the great experiences I had back in the day haha. I can't promise him that his activities will be as cool as ours but at least he's going now! So I know that the Youth will appreciate all that you do to make this an awesome experience! Well this past week we set two baptismal dates! Jacob and Robert are set to be baptized the 7 of July, and they are super ready to go...but the only problem is that they live with their Mom on the Weekdays and some weekends and on some Sundays their Dad picks them up to take them to we're praying for a miracle to get them to church, but other than that they're set to go. This week at our ward I also got to meet this guy straight from Mexico who's name is Jacob and is a total Mexican Cowboy! It is so awesome talking with him about vaquero stuff haha and our collection of boots, horses, and all that jazz. This past week we also got to play some Latino teenagers in basketball with Lessons on the line. If we won, we had the upper hand and got the opportunity to share a message. So even though we wore white shirts, ties, and the name tags, we pretty much slaughtered that game! All I have to say is that the Holy Ghost not only knows how to guide you in life, but also how to pick-and-roll up the baseline haha. We also had a fantastic lesson with our main man Jose who in the end asked us the question "Why are poeple not coming to this church by the thousands?!?" Man it's awesome being out here!!! One other thing that I wanted to talk about today is missionary with our friends, and I don't know if I've mentioned it in the past few e-mails, but tracting is an activity that I have come to find yeilds so little success, probably the least out of any other aspect of searching for investigators. But, like anytime in pretty much every missionaries day, we were out knocking doors and ran into this 18 year old kid named Angel. As we started talking to him about the church, he told us that he had a really close friend that was Mormon and ended up moving to Utah last year. We thought, "awesome! He already has some background on our church." But then he went on to tell us that his friend had given him a Book of Mormon in both Spanish and English and that he had been reading out of them! So we set up a time where we could teach his family, and had an amazing lesson! It's super rare for this to happen, but we were able to totally blow through the whole first lesson ending with an interested family and Angel telling us that he knew that through the power of God, Joseph Smith translated this record. Elder Lee and I were totally blown away at how prepared Angel is and know that the credit is due to his friend, whoever it is, for sharing his testimony and what he valued the most with the people that he valued most. We have an appointment with them this upcoming Tuesday and are super excited to see where it will go from here, but I wanted to invite everyone to help lay the foundation with thier friends. Again, it's something that I'm kicking myself for not doing more often, but I remember hearing a quote early on in my mission saying "Any action on the Lord's errand, is no wasted action." Any step that we take to invite others to the truth will have eternal consequences and will stick with them until they have the opportunity to accept the fullness of the gospel. Well I love and miss you all but I can't wait to share more and more of what it's like to serve the Lord in Dallas Texas! Big shout out to Dad for a Happy Father's Day!!! Love you!

Elder Justin Wilson
This is me explaining the miracle of repentance and forgiveness to the Gorilla from "Rise of the Planet of the Apes," he was weighed down with guilt for the attempted takeover of San Fransisco which cost the lives of many good Northern Californians.

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