Monday, May 28, 2012

Holidays on the Mission Are Amazing!!!

Yup as I said...Holidays on the mission are amazing! Especially in Texas because Holidays=lots and lots of beer which=understanding how people feel about us right off the bat. Even on a normal day we run into so many drunk people that feel terrible and are ready to be brought to repentance, and then there's the people that just yell "Don't you haunt my door again!!!" But we're also in Texas so just naturally they say "Y'all come back now y'hear" - classic. So we're looking forward to a tracting *blitz*tonight, if we're lucky we might even get some extended family all together!!! 
Well, as for this week, we were actually having some success with a couple Book of Mormon throwdown lessons, and we got 7 new investigators!!! I think all the time on the bikes is finally starting to pay off! But as normal, we are still in the Ghettos of the Ghettos in Oak Cliff South, and something that I've been trying to get a photo album of is the car trend down here. Currently, its a classic Lincoln, Ford Crown Vic, or Mercury that has size 26-28 rims on it...and if I had a nickel for every one I've seen down here, I would probably be up to $5 now haha. They are everywhere! And the other day there was a whole car gang that drove through town with probably 20 cars in their fleet just traveling together not even caring for traffic lights or anything else that would stand in their way. The lead car even had a fat copy of the Executive Seal sticker on his hood haha keeping things interesting around here. We were also knocking doors in a...questionable....area the other day and found this house with the worst set up security system of 6 cameras surrounding the house along with a few motion sensors here and there...yeah they didn't answer haha. We also voted the apostate church for the week was called "The Lord's Gym." It was a legit gym that had a picture of Jesus without a shirt and showed him flexing while carrying the cross...yup...that's Texas! 

As for the update on my Investigators...I would just like to add my testimony to that of every otherMissionary's that Sunday is by far the worst day on the mission! You're always waiting for your investigators who COMMITTED to coming, but never show up and just break your heart. And if they show up you just get even more nervous and just hope that a member doesn't start spewing false doctrine at the pulpit or say something really strange. And you can only pray that your investigators don't see when the kids start taking off their clothes in the middle of the Sacrament and just run around it's a pretty nerve racking day haha. But the Pinon family is coming along great...if they would just come to church and we almost have the two sons of this mom that was baptized five weeks ago. Her kids, (and keep in mind these kids hang tight to the whole skater stereotype), actually brought their copy of the Book of Mormon to school and started reading it there! The last time we talked to them, Robert started asking us all the questions that his friends were giving him trouble about and seriously asked if we were Christian. We pulled out some scriptures so he could put his friends in their places...I doubt his friends even crack open the Bible. But the problem with those two is that their parents are divorced and they go with their Dad on the weekends and can't make it to in the end we can only pray for a miracle to happen. 
Another thing that was pointed out to me yesterday at church was that I'm the only Blonde in our ward...or in the stake...probably even the first to ever enter the building haha. It's nice to be the diverse person of the group for once in my lifetime! And as for the body has apparently become prey for...bigger game. For those of you who don't know...I hate spiders with all of my soul. Not because I'm covered in spider bites...but we ran into a tarantula the other day. I thought it would be cool to take a picture, so as a cautiously approach it...and this spider that's about the size of my fist, pretty much gives out a battle cry...and straight on charges me! That is the one moment in my life where I could've outran anyone. So from a safe distance, I zoomed in and got a picture, and every time I look at it, the two big glowing eyes are staring me down....ahhhhhh man it gives me the chills!!!! Well its time to go preach the Word of Wisdom and bring the state of Texas to repentance for all the drinking that's going to happen today! Happy Memorial Day!!!

Con Todo (Gracias Aunt Nonnie) Mi Corazon,
Elder Justin Wilson

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