Wednesday, January 22, 2014

"Time Flies on Wings Of Lightning"....Looks Like It's Time To Improve The Shining Moments

Elder Trias: "So what do you think she's doing right now???"
Me: "Well she's probably crying right now as it's starting to sink in that 18 months of her agency  have been signed over!"
(5 Hours Later...)
Me: "Man she's probably got the biggest headache right now just meeting your teaching and getting stuff thrown at you nonstop!"
(At 10:30...)
Me (thinking): "Well Rach...good luck sleeping. You're gonna need it..."
It's been super weird to have Rachel report as a missionary while I'm still out doing what she's being trained to do (in a way shorter time...still can't believe she'll hit the field within a couple of days), and I've spent a lot of time thinking about her which makes me reflect on what it was like to start the mission. As I look back I can see the changes that have happened since and how everything seems to have taken a 180 degree turn, but then again I'm also stuck thinking " feels like I was there just a couple months ago." The worst part about it is when It makes me think about how much time I have left and all the missionaries that I've met that I always thought we're so old and so experienced, and had about 16 months in the mission...and it turns out that this last week I've started my last transfer, a point that every missionary just dreams about until they get there. Then it's just a nightmare thinking about what you want to do and how you're not going to have enough time to get it all done and how you seemed to have just gotten the hang of things, and the time to wrap it up is coming all too soon. And the worst part is all the questions that people give you like "What?!? You really only have 6 weeks left?!?!" or "So are you excited to go home??? Are you going to miss the Mission???" (This one should be a given to everyone, we haven't seen our family for 2 years/18 months so of course we're excited, but everyone misses the mission and everyone knows its going to be the greatest part of your life so of course you're going to miss it!!!) And then the worst one is..."So what are you going to do when you get back?" Answer: No clue!!!! Every time I've planned something like that it seems to fall through so I figure the best way to take it is crossing that bridge when it comes haha.
But the best question is when people ask "So what are you going to do for the rest of your mission????"
Answer: "Treat it like it aint nuthin but a G thang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
You heard it! This time (like the last 22 months of my mission) is being lived up out here in the chosen pueblito of Gilmer! Besides, we've got way too many people to baptize between now and March to just set it on Cruise Control so here's the names I need you to pray for!
Mason Hutton 
Jimmy Aguillon
Sarah Plata (y familia!)
Connor Myers
Jacob Walker (and that his family will come and get baptized too!)
Lynette Harroff
Samantha Harroff
Carlos Riveroll

I could go on and on but I gotta give yall the low down on the G-Unit! I still remember the days when I could fit a whole weeks summary in an E-mail, but nowadays I just don't even know where to start and couldn't even put a dent in everything that's going on...
It looks like our old buddies in the Ku Klux Klan have been enjoying themselves and making their propaganda known as it was spread all around Upshur County this past Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Their thoughts on Blacks we're being posted all over different businesses, lawns, homes, posters, the whole 9 yards. The Chief Wizard (at least I think that's what they're called) claimed ownership of it all on the news (without revealing any names or anything...but I may have a few suspicions as to who it could be...) It wasn't too long ago that they had a huge riot up on the Gilmer Square with the cloaks burning crosses. Gotta love our freedom of speech out here in America, especially in the South!
Another Mission bucket list opportunity I had to take advantage of was serving somewhere around Elder Bench. Since President didn't plan on moving me anytime soon I figured I'd just take the alternative route and bring Elder Bench out to the chosen Gilmer Zone! After all, it is in the scriptures..."Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you." Long story short, Cody is out here in East Texas baybay! The place to Baptize! He's truly gonna start living the dream! (posted on the new Gilmer Shirts)
We found Mexico! It's like an Inception sort of deal where we found a country inside of a state, but out in the middle of nowhere in this little campo we found the land and housing replica of Guanajuato. Just loaded with rabid Dogs, beer cans, Santa Marias, and Mexicans! The country ones are way different and a little more stubborn than the city ones and after a while, I think we found out why they were so hidden out there, but we'll keep trying to get things started with them.
This past transfer night was also crazy as we had to give a guy from Sulphur Springs his baptismal interview at 10:00 at night and it turned out I couldn't pass him. Had to be one of the hardest things I've had to do out here as I just kept feeling "I wanna see you go through with this so bad! But you need to be more prepared! Ahhh!" It was rough since every missionary thinks an interview is a guaranteed pass, but we're helping them get the situations worked out and we'll get it all worked out in no-time...but that's a to be continued story haha.
Well I love yall tons and  hope you don't feel as stressed out or tired as I do. Get me Rachel's address when you can! Les quiero mucho!!!
Elder Wilson
Still Cruisin in the 2014 Fusion Like A Boss!

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