Monday, September 16, 2013

Living The Dream..."What Can I Say More???" (Jacob 6:5)

Oh yes I did! Droppin scriptures in the title like it "aint nuthin but a G thang!!!" (The new school shirt for Gilmer.)

As y’all know, the Gilmer Zone is just kickin trash around and even though we took kind of a rough hit this week, we're still going to reach our extremely high goals! As I told y’all last week we were rewarded as a zone to finally be able to go through the temple for the first time in almost a year and all I've gotta say me speechless it was so awesome! After spending so much time learning so much stuff and finally being able to go with so much more knowledge and so many more questions, ah it was too good. I feel like I love the temple more and more every time I go and it's just a good time-out from whatever may be going on.
Another one of those crazy "time flying" experiences was when I had to get my Temple Recommend renewed.
While I was there, I met this Sister Missionary that finished her mission in Arizona a few weeks ago, and I just couldn't believe it when she said that she entered the Provo MTC on the 7 of March, 2012--same day as me. Man it's goin too fast!
Right after the Temple we drove to Fort Worth (leaving mission boundaries say what!?!?!?) and arrived just in time to get a good seat and meet Elder Callister of the Presidency of the Seventy who was followed by Elder Andersen of the Quorom of the Twelve! President Austin keeps sarcastically asking me if I have a checklist of all the General Authorities I've seen on the mission, but I for reals think it's time to start one haha.

We all felt so spiritually drained after having those experiences back to drained I was about to pass out...that is until we found out that there was an IN-N-OUT about 2 miles away. So, all I've gotta say is that this past Wednesday was pretty much the closest to vacation as anything on the mission can get! After sitting down for 7 hours of driving along with 7 more sitting down in meetings and the temple and In-N-Out...we got back and just completely passed out, making it the first time I haven't woken up to Elder Nuckol's snoring....what a blessing.

We're getting started on another transfer out here in Gilmer with some changes amongst our Elderes (the most exciting being that one of our Spanish missionaries is training! When I found that out I just about screamed and made sure that he would hunt down an 'Elder Bench' at the new trainee's meeting! President loves to use this revelatory process where you pick who you think you're companion is and you're normally right, or he'll just change it and give you the companion you chose, so I drove it into Elder Well's head to do whatever it takes to get Cody!!! So crazy that he's probably flying into town right now haha. Welcome to the promised land!)

I also got a call last night from Jacobo! One of my converts back in Oak Cliff who I ran into out in Plano, and life is looking great for him as he just got the Melchizedek Priesthood and he'll be going through the temple this November to be sealed to his wife! We also got the smell of fall coming in, but about the weather change....all I've gotta say is....Don't you wish your mission was hot like mine!?! Les quiero tantisimo!

Going From 20-21 en algunos dias!!! Aint no better place to turn 21 than Texas! the words of Garth Brooks, I've got friends in low places!  

Elder Wilson

Redneck BBQ

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