Monday, August 27, 2012

Just Another Week

Well for this week I would also appreciate it if you guys kept it for our family. Getting all the letters and news from you guys, I just can't really believe how badly things are going. It really is shocking just how everything seems to be going just as south as possible. I have no idea what this is supposed to mean for our family, maybe that we should look outside of Los Angeles (which would absolutely kill me) or maybe we're just getting hit with all this stuff to prepare for something bigger and better, but then again I feel like I'm just stealing the blessings for our family. We did have a baptism this last Saturday which I know you guys would've gotten a kick out of seeing it. His name was Adib Guadalupe Jacobo Hernandez ...which makes it just about as Mexican as you can get. I felt like I was quoting the Nacho Libre"...from the Sisters...ladys...mountains...of guadalupe..."during the baptismal prayer which I had to keep myself from laughing, but what was more on my mind was how I was going to dunk and lift all 250 pounds of this 6 foot 3 inch dude. Well through some miracle and another testimony that there is a God, I was able to successfully baptize him and embrace him as my brother that speaks zero english and that I've been super close with for all my time out here in Oak Cliff. It was way awesome and really touched me when he got up to bear his testimony after the baptism and he said "Elder Wilson, I'm never going to forget you and how much you've helped me." Man that got me to the core and just like it says in the beginning of Preach My Gospel, there is no work more satisfying than this. (Another bonus is that President Durrant came to the baptismal service.) It sure was an amazing opportunity and we have 2 more baptisms this coming Saturday, possibly one more on the 8th of September, and 2 more for sure on the 15. It is so crazy how much success we are finding here, even on the bikes and everything. 

In my doctor's appointment this past went well, but not as smoothly as we would've liked. I did get the updated prescription and I sent that in the mail, and he did say everything looks great and like the medication is working just fine. But since the DMV problem was in California, he wouldn't touch the paper and said that my California doctor would have to take care of it. He said that he would send a report to Dr. Lekkala and that she could take it from there and he said he would be happy to sign anything if I was applying for a Texas license,  but not a California one. And to answer your question Dad...I believe he is Dr. Lekkala's distant cousin, back in the tribes of India. But I sent the paperwork and the prescription back home with pretty much the same description on how everything went, but I don't know if you guys want to continue to go through all the trouble of the DMV work since it might get all worked out when the transfer ends. 

Another amazing experience we had this last week was when we knocked on the last door for the day, and saw a woman with a brand new baby answer. After congratulating her on that new baby of her's, we asked her if we could share a message with her and she welcomed us on in. After teaching the restoration to her and earning a certain level of trust from her, she told us about how her baby was born with a heart problem and we were able to tell her about the priesthood power and the blessings we were able to give. So after knowing this woman for a total of about 10 minutes, she trusted us with the opportunity to bless her brand new, 10 day old baby. As we anointed and blessed the baby...we both talked after about how miraculous it was to bless someone who just came from the presence of God. It sure is an amazing work to be a part of, and I hope that Rachel is getting prepped and everything ready to start school! Super stoked for her and I want you guys to know that I pray for you every day. As bad as things are now...I am eager to see what they'll look like in the future. And you guys can also do whatever you want with the pictures and everything. love you all! Hope you had a great birthday shane! Thanks for sending the pics Mom! Sure love you guys!

Elder Wilson

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