Monday, August 6, 2012

Complete Chaos

Wow this past week has been absolutely crazy. So with this whole dividing the Oak Cliff part of the mission to East and West basically led to me and Elder Rodriguez being "doubled into" the central apartment and working from scratch with a whole new system of investigators, old investigator transfers from East to West, and getting to know the area...while on Bicycles. 

This past week has been absolutely insane...but the good news is that we had 3 baptisms this past Saturday! It was amazing to have my first out in the mission, and a little nerve racking, but still a fantastic experience. It's been so neat to see the Gomez kids go from no knowledge about the church to their baptism...and even though they were about 15 minutes late...with members waiting and me just about ready to lock myself away in fear that they’d miss it...they finally came and it was amazing to make it the whole way! 

We also were able to get Juan Jr. baptized after months and months of waiting for his Dad to give him the O.K. but it was finally done! The most nerve racking experience though was the confirmation. As investigators, the confirmations are supposed to be held on Sundays during the sacrament meeting in front of the whole congregation. Once I got up there and saw everybody, I totally thought I was going to mess up or get stuck or something! But it was super neat how you are inspired when you use the priesthood...but when you're directed to say what you don't know in a language you can't speak and it ends up working itself out...that is proof that there is a God. 

But overall everything went down very well and it has been quite the week. And on the bike...all I have to say is that in the 112 degrees...of humidity...kinda  makes you hate Texas...but biking makes for much better stories than driving ever will
. This past week when we were riding to a lesson, it was like my tubes just gave up and decided that they didn't want to ride anymore. And then my bike gave up and didn't want to be a bike anymore and the back tire just...I don't really know how to say it...but it just fell off. Well gotta go given the small amount of email time but I hope everything is going well! Miss all of you!
Elder Justin Wilson

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