Friday, March 23, 2012

Week Tres....

Its P-Day!!! P-Day!!! Gotta get down on P-Day!!! Everybodys lookin forward to Dallas, Dallas...partyin partyin yeah!! 

that was probably the most interesting news about the week so far is that I came up with the remix to Fridayyyy (which I'm having total withdrawls from.) Not gunna lie theres not much new info to talk about which is kinda the bummer about the MTC and why we're all ready to get out in the field because life here is a little too repeptitive. The Spanish is getting better as normal but we're all talking at the end of the day about how our brains are just totally fried! 

These past few days have been kind of difficult because teaching our Progressive Investigators has been so tough. It feels like we've heard thousands of teaching methods from so many different teachers, and when we try one, it turns out that there is a flaw in it and they tell us to try another one and it turns out that that one has a flaw and repeat process.

That has got to be one of the most frustrating things about the mission is that there is no true formula for missionary work, you have to teach to the investigator's needs from the Doctrine in Preach My Gospel and as directed by the Spirit. But the best part about the week by far was our devotional on Tuesday! 

It was about two weeks before we reported at the MTC that Elder Holland had spoke, so naturally everyone told us that the MTC gets an apostle about every three months and that we probably wouldn't be around for the next big speaker. Well to our suprise Elder Dallin H. Oaks came and gave such an amazing talk about teaching by the Spirit and how important the Sacrament is to missionary work (I have never taken so many notes in my life!) I love hearing him talk because he's super smart and his talks always go so deep and make me think outside the box and see what message he is trying to send to us. 

It's actually way cool if you read the sacrament scriptures and then see if you can find similarities to "Your Purpose As A Missionary" which is on page 1 of Preach My Gospel. Speaking of which, I might have already told you this, but we've heard it so much I figured I'd bring it up again...we have heard about the "Missionary Purpose" about a trillion times here. It is the only true "seminary" answer here where you can be asked any question and if your answer is "My Purpose", you will get a round of applause from the teachers haha. 

On our Temple trip I made one of my attempts to get March Maddness Scores and NBA trade updates from someone that was connected to the outside world and he just told our District, "I can tell you, but I won't, go focus on your purpose." We cruised back through the "Gates of Mordor" (the fence surrounding the MTC) defeated, but it really is true, we spend 9 weeks here focusing on our purpose and learning a little bit of Spanish. But back to Elder Oaks...that's right outside get Hunger Games on Friday and we get apostles on Tuesday!!! its all starting to soak in with us how "un-plugged" we are from the technology, commercialism, music, movies, and pretty much everything else! It is weird, but again it is such a blessing to have the Spirit with us as much as we do. It seriously clears your mind and I know it sounds weird, but it pretty much opens a new dimension to learning. Everything we learn here has to do with the gospel. Whether it is how to best communicate with an investigator or how to say something in Spanish, all the options talk of Jesus Christ and la Expiacion por nos, or give directions to the capilla. Ah just thinking about it gets me so pumped to go out and start working! I also just want to get out there so I can get the embarassment over with because I know that no matter how long I stay here in the MTC, I'll get to Dallas and just think "They definitely did not teach me this language in the MTC...." but im way stoked! 

Another thing to get us through our time here at the MTC is looking forward to General Conference! To display what its like here with constantly being buckled down to learning and studying something, General Conference is like a movie premiere on steriods! Way pumped for 2 days of General Authorities speaking and I also hear that we get a General Authority to speak to us on Easter Sunday! So yeah I'm still trying to get over not being connected to "Babylon"...but you gotta start somewhere. And again...I know I talk about it all the time, but I seriously have a big problem with Taylor Swift out here. I wake up every and I want to stress EVERY morning with one of her songs stuck in my head for the rest of the day! I really have no idea why its like this but it is and if you were to ask my District in 20 years what they remember about me, they will probably say "Oh yeah that one kid that wouldn't stop singing Taylor Swift..." Well I miss all of you guys so much and again I need Dee-Boo's address! 
Le Quiero,
Elder Wilson

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