Friday, March 16, 2012

Week 2!

Whats uppppp amigos y familia!?!?!
Man (or as we hear whenever we say dude, or bro, or dog, or homie, " will refer to your companion as Elder") its so crazy here at the MTC! We finally have a set schedule and we're working hard! It truly is a miracle that through the Spirit we are able to know as much Spanish as we do only a week into the mish! That whole experience that I told you guys about when we had to teach our third day into the program is getting so much better, probably because we went in our next visit with the mindset that we can't do any worse than last time but it got so much better! 

We are getting more and more comfortable in these situations where we have to teach Liliana and we actually committed her to baptism a couple days ago! But then the zinger came yesterday and we found out that Liliana is actually Hermana Cooper (and yes she can actually speak English...what a shock...) and that she will be our new teacher and that Hermano Miller, who used to be our teacher, is now going to be acting another investigator that only speaks Spanish...mind=blown. But my first week here at the MTC has already put my two years of High School Spanish to serious shame and I love getting to know more and more even though it feels like my brain is getting fried. I'm working harder than I ever have in class. One class that was pretty cool was when we went on a walk outside with our District and just named everything we saw en Espanol haha it was super fun until our teacher taught us how to say "flower." He then asked us if we knew what type of flowers they were and Elder Hart for some reason knew that they were tulips. Our teacher then said "well take a good look at them because thats the closest that you will get to tu-lips for two years!" Burnnnnnnnnnnn it was almost as bad as when I asked the register at the Bookstore if he could fill us in on the March Madness scores and this lady screams from across the room "NO HE CAN'T!!!!" 

But enough about the disadvantages and the mornings when I wake up with a Taylor Swift song in my head that stays there for the rest of the day, it has so far been an awesome experience. I can't believe that its already Friday so I guess it is true what they all say...days feel like weeks and weeks feel like days! It really is so awesome to have an almost constant companionship with the Spirit and be, as President Shumway (our mission president who is such a boss) would say, we are Apostles with a little "a" and Witnesses with a little "w". It has been amazing how many sacred spiritual experiences I have had up here and how much we are able to learn through the Lord. I don't know if you guys remember the BYU story about the man that was on the mountain looking over Provo and saying that he saw "temples of learning," well not to take a shot at the Y but I'm pretty sure he was talking about the MTC because I can't think of anywhere else where people learn with such a speed and have such a desire to gain knowledge! 

By the way, I got your guys letter yesterday and the package today thanks so much!!! Totally made my week!!! I was begining to wonder how you guys were going to celebrate St. Patricks day without me but you delivered! I also loved the pictures that Brett and Shane sent me and made me realize how much I miss you guys. We are always so busy here and barely have time to think but its gotten to the point where all my dreams are about home and I think last night my dream was playing basketball with Brett and Shaners. Super wierd but I'm glad to be out here and get my two years on the way! And be sure to have Natalie and Rachel fill me in on how the dance was because from how much fun Natalie told me she had at the Valentines one made me a little worried haha. Love you all and can feel your prayers!!!

Elder Wilson

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