Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Brothers in the Gospel

This is Cody's letter sent to Erin by Jennifer: From: Cody Bench <cody.bench@myldsmail.net>
Date: Monday, January 27, 2014
Subject: Redneck City

Hey Ya'll!

So I'm definitely in East Texas.  I realized the other day that this is the furthest East I had ever traveled in my life. Anyway, I love it here! The people here are awesome!  And I can already tell I will have a million stories by the time I leave, haha.  

This past weekend was stake conference Saturday night and Sunday morning out in Gilmer and we didn't want to waste 100 miles heading all the way back to Mount Pleasant and then back to Gilmer so we thought, "Hey! Maybe there's someone we could stay with around here, Elder Wilson!"  So we stayed the night at Elder Wilson's and Elder Trias's apartment.  It was super weird.  I had a sleepover with one of my best friends... on my mission.  It was super fun though and he is an awesome zone leader.   

 I love it here in East Texas!  There are trees, trees, and more trees! Its gorgeous!  We have some fantastic investigators and I am stoked to be here.  

Love Ya'll!
Elder Cody Bench

I forwarded that letter to Justin and the next day I heard from him:

As you can see from Cody's e-mail, we got him down here and it felt like I was introducing family to all my friends out in Gilmer and starting to realize how much time I don't have down here. It's getting crazy, but thanks so much for y'alls prayers because they're working! Pray that I'll get something started with the hispanics out here or that I can see miracles with them or something! It's so tough around here with like 0 hispanics but I want it to start up so bad! And yeah we've had members praying for us since conference haha. President Austin has been a boss about hitting that principle home and it's really overwhelming but very empowering to hear your name prayed for in every meeting and the trust that they have in you. I'm gonna miss it. But Cody came on over for the night and slept over to save time so that he didn't have to drive up and back to Gilmer again for the Stake Conference. Super crazy haha and he still feels like he's been out forever...6 months is nothing. I asked him all sorts of questions about the family and all that Jazz and he'd just say that he's been out too long to know...cry me a river haha. But it's pretty cool being out here with him, getting him sent out here and we get to do exchanges all the time! It's gonna be balla!!! I truly felt part of the happiness that Alma and the sons of Mosiah felt in Alma chapter 17:2 that he is still my brother in the Lord, ready to serve alongside us out here in the Gilmer Stake! 

Well I could go on forever and ever but so many crazy stories and too much good stuff going on out here but send me Rach's addy out in Wisconsin sometime so I can send her some in field love! Gotta go baptize the world! Les quiero muchisimo! Estamos ensenando como un negotio de nadie! Que les vayan con Dios y vean milagros cada dia como los mensajeros del Senor!
Elder Wilson


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