Monday, October 7, 2013

The 183 Semi-Annual General Conference...My Last

Dang, it's been a pretty busy, but emotional week at the same time. General Conference has always been about 10 times cooler on the mission, and I speak the truth when I say I've seen the best ones as a missionary. I mean, not many other people can say that at the beginning of their mission they saw President Monson give the historic announcement of the age change for missionary service, and by the next one, I got the opportunity to serve and train those that had responded to the call as the Lord continues to hasten his work.
Elder Wilson "training and serving";)
It's been quite the experience to see the missions around the world grow by over 27,000 missionaries since I've started my mission and is such a thrill to be at the very heart of the service while the church pushes missionary work like it never has before. But, I've got to admit, I was disappointed that Elder Nelson didn't have a catch phrase this time haha. Even though his talk was my favorite for this last Conference, he didn't add onto the "Thanks Be To God", "Ask The Missionaries", and "Catch The Wave."

Another one of my favorite parts about conference was that between last Conference and this one, I've gotten to meet Elder D. Todd Christofferson, Elder Neil L. Anderson, Elder Randy D. Funk, and Elder Terence M. Vinson, all of whom were able to speak. And as always, the best part is Priesthood session! I can always feel way close to Dad during that session since I have such vivid memories of being ordained a Deacon and going to my first Priesthood session! It was so awesome to see the chapel just full of Priesthood holders as we would anxiously search for a spot to sit, surrounded by men with the same calling and commission. It seems like no matter where I see it, I also feel especially close to Grandpa and Papa, the family patriarchs! Well, the Priesthood is eternal, so why wouldn't they want to watch it haha!   

As we spent all our efforts this past week inviting people to conference, we asked one of our new investigators what it would mean to them to know that there is a living prophet on the Earth today. She responded, "Well excuse my French, but that would be pretty Bad A__!!!" Yup...not quite the everyday response to the message of Restored truths, but she gets the picture.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHIE!!!! 19 YEARS OLD SAY WHAT!?!? I had my mission call back when I turned 19...and it still feels like I haven't even been out that long.

Even though time is flying, not only do memories from back home feel like a dream, but now memories from past areas! Dang, it doesn't even feel real how old I am.

This past week we were also able to hold a Baptism for one of our investigators,  Alyia Johnson, right in-between the Afternoon and Priesthood Session. It's an awesome story of how the opportunity to teach her miraculously fell into our hands, and there's nothing better than watching the Lord's hand in your life every day. But along with a baptism and conference, it's time to recuperate after being spiritually overpowered.

In closing, I want to share my testimony of a special experience I had in watching the last session. One of the most powerful feelings I've had in watching Conference on my mission didn't come from a lengthy talk, one with the most scriptures or the best way to work in the "come take my yoke upon you" line (I've heard this probably over 200,000 times on my mission in conference and out here in the overall Christian savvy Texas). I actually didn't get this feeling from hearing anything at all, but from looking into the eyes of President Monson. During his last remarks on how we should study the talks that were given. He began to give his testimony, and as I looked into his eyes, I couldn't stop a certain thought running through my mind that came so gently saying..."he knows." It was like everything had stopped, and the only thing I could hear was the phrase repeated again and again, "he knows." As I've reflected on this powerful experience that came from such a short testimony and from looking into the eyes of a man I've watched hundreds of times, the scripture Ether 12:6 came into my mind, and then the message came to me....Believe not because ye see not...but once ye believe, ye shall see. After bearing my testimony countless times on the truths of a living Prophet with only a small knowledge about him and his divinely appointed calling, the Lord saw He had tried my Faith...I have placed it on the line many times, and because of that, he saw fit to reward me by opening my understanding and giving me the explanation.

I know President Monson is a Prophet of God. If he is a Prophet then everything he professes of himself and that which he represents is true. If he truly is a prophet, then Joseph Smith was a prophet as well, called to Restore the Gospel and Church that Christ himself is the head of. I cannot wait to look you all in the eyes and tell you that we do have a living Prophet. This is the Church of Christ and his work will move forward until he says that we have done enough. I love y’all and share this testimony with you in the name of Him whom we serve.

Elder Wilson

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