Monday, January 7, 2013


10....9....8....7....6....5....4....3....2....1......ZZZZZZZZZ. Normally at the end of the countdown, since I was about seven years old, we would all scream "HAPPYYY NEW YEARRRR!", but this last one I was lucky enough to follow the pattern of my early childhood and sleep right through it. But on the real this has seriously been the most stressful week of my whole mission. To lay it out simply, what we have is a Spanish Group and an English ward that meet together at the same time. What is going on is that this Spanish group wants to become a Branch, but aren't doing the work to get this thing going. So this past week we had a planning deal with them and put out a few ideas that they loved and want to put into action to help four more of our members get the Melk. Priesthood and a Temple Recommend for their endowments (which is what the Stake President wants from them). We are also just pushing them farther and farther away from the Ward to help them become more independent, and we're trying to get the Stake President to authorize a change in the hours so that they don't have the same schedule as the Ward. It is just super stressful right now because we are trying to get all the Spanish members excited and get some work "lift where they stand", and help get the less-active families back, cleanse their group, come together, get some organization done, and stop getting offended! This area is crazy because as a result of the Spanish group and English ward, we have two groups that think that we're 100% their missionaries, which makes it really difficult to make both of them happy. It turns into us Micro-Managing the Spanish group to get them on their feet and become a branch, get 6 members through the Temple Endowment preparation, create a new mission plan for the English Ward and potential Spanish Branch with all of the auxiliaries, find new investigators, and keep the baptisms coming for both groups, along with re-activating....a lot of people. It's super super busy, and more stressful than ever...but I LOVE IT!!!! 

It truly is a hate/love relationship because we are always super busy, have a ton of responsibility, and can make some serious changes in an area with a lot of potential. It is giving us tons of preparation in leadership callings and is sooooo much fun to be driving the boat on all of these projects. We always end up with a fat headache at the end of the day, and it isn't quite the same as being sore from biking in a Texas summer. I could go on forever explaining our Agenda, but I guess I should just wrap it up saying that I am much happier with the way things are working out here in Greenville than I am with the rumors I hear about my beloved Los Angeles Lakers. But yeah this week has been way awesome full of just peachy experiences knocking doors in the projects of Commerce Texas and finding that about 40% of the houses in that town have either been abandoned, or overtaken by a gripload of druggies. And something that felt way weird was that my awesome trainer Elder Lee went home this past friday, finishing his two years serving the Lord!
I'm gunna miss that guy tons, but I'm stoked to see how life will go for him and am especially excited to see how he will do on the Boise State football team! So keep an eye out for number 44 playing linebacker on the smurf turf! It was a reality check and just confirmed with me that I am no longer a greenie haha. Well I love and miss yall and hope you're taking advantage of this time to set some more goals...and also go to the beach.  And also remember, reading your scriptures, going to church, and praying aren't default answers for any random reason. Learned a pretty cool lesson on that this past week but due to time I'm going to have to make a wrap on that. Love yall!!!

Elder Justin Wilson

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