Monday, September 17, 2012

Leaving My Joventud In The Past

Wow it's not even September 19 yet and this has already been (totally serious) my best birthday yet!!! It is so humbling to know that you all remembered my birthday and I feel even more grateful than Ammon in Alma 19:14 so I guess I'm pouring out my soul in thanksgiving haha. And just a shout out to everyone that has sent me letters and packages...I will get a letter out to you but I did make a promise to my Mom that I'd write in my Journal every day so that’s kicking me back just a bit...but I will most definitely get one out to you! They have made this week pretty much the best!

 I figure it's because the work has been super, super busy out here in Oak Cliff, and while we've been working so hard to love everyone that we teach (even though at times it may get difficult haha), it really is a fantastic time to forget yourself. But all these birthday wishes have just reminded me of all the people that I love and miss so much and let me know that you guys are still thinking about me and made this birthday better than any others. Thank you so much!!! 
Still cannot believe that I won't be a rebellious teenager anymore, but I guess it's onto bigger and better things. While thinking about how old 20 sounded a while back, I remembered a conversation I had with one of our home teachers when I was back in the primary. I think it was Brother Wind, and I remember it was his 50th birthday or something like that and everyone was wishing him happy birthday, and I began to think about how cool being old was. I thought, "You can drive...go wherever you can eat wherever you want and whatever you can go to any have a bunch of money...", and after all of those thoughts running through my mind, I was so on the getting older boat! So I went up to him and told him that it must be way awesome to be as old as he was, and I just remember him laughing while he said, "It's only fun to grow up, but it most definitely isn't fun getting old." I didn't really get what he meant for a while, but I guess I feel like I'm getting so old now haha. 

Well as far as this past week...Elder Rodriguez and I have planned a pretty Dynamic transfer. Things are seriously going to explode here!!! Our ward has a goal of 25 baptisms for the year, but before we got here, we only had 3. So the past transfer Elder Rodriguez and I were able to pitch in 6 while the East Elders added another, and we're off to a good start with baptizing Manuel and Kevin this past week. We have some pretty huge ambitions for this transfer and are definitely going to get work done around here haha. 

We're always super tired and I guess that's a good sign that we're ready to put in the effort that the Lord wants. These past few weeks we have been able to see how as humans, we really can't do much, but when we do the small things that the Lord asks us to do, he is most definitely ready to work miracles and put his pieces into place. (Even though the Lord isn't ready to have the Bishop pronounce the difficult name of 'Wilson' correctly haha.) This week it somehow changed from Wooford to 'Wool-Fur', but it's a work in progress. We have been seeing so much success out here and I'm so grateful for this opportunity to be a part of it! 

I also would like to hold a moment of silence for the first time I had In-N-Out for 6 months and 5 days................................haha it was so awesome! Well I wish I could write more but I love and miss you all! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!!!

Elder Justin Wilson

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