Friday, April 13, 2012

Semana Seis!!!!!!

First off I would like to say that was awesome getting my "Google Translate" letter from Brett! Before you guys google translate my response, I want mom to try and get guys can test her Espanol haha! Wow this week flew by and I have so much to talk about and so little time...but I wanted to thank you guys so much for my Easter package!! Totally thought the April fools one was for real so I guess you can give Brett and Shane (who I figured were the masterminds) all the credit! I also got the costco envelope stolen out of it from Elder Keck and we had a huge chase about it because he thought pictures of Rachel were in it! As you all know I'm pretty slow, but when it comes down to other dudes interested in my sister, it was like my version of Popeye's Spinach and I just took off! I had never run so fast in my life! But finally, I caught up to him, and was able to successfully get the photo package back to find the St. Patricks picture of Shane haha. 

One of the best parts of the week was when we got to hear from President Packer for our Easter Morning devotional! It was so awesome because I was literally 10 steps away from him and could just feel his power! We were so close that it was a little daunting when he would look out into the crowd and it looks like he makes eye contact with you...just staring into your soul! It was like he showed up, stared everyone down to understand what we all needed, and gave an amazing talk personalized to us! After that talk we had a testimony meeting with our own Zones, en Espanol. It was a little wierd at first but we all got used to it and I was able to get up and share mi testimonio en Espanol...and for those of you who went to my farewell...I didn't have to use a cheat sheet haha. After that meeting I also got the chance to see Karly on our Temple walk and that was way fun!!! Seeing someone from the outside world helped me to know that it still existed. 

Even though we did have a ton of awesome parts of this week, we did have one mega bummer at the end. This last thursday was my teacher Hermano Miller's last day :(. He's leaving to go do what most R.M.s do in the summer after BYU- sell insecticide in St. Louis. He was such an awesome teacher and since we had such a small district, he was like the greatest EFY counselor/older brother that I never had! He had the greatest mission stories and would always make my day so much better! It was absolutely impossible to fall asleep in his class because of how much energy he has! It was like we would feed off of his energy just to make it through the day so I don't know how these next three weeks are going to go, but it made me think of how soon my time in the MTC will be over. I'm really going to miss Hermano Miller not only becaue of how funny and entertaining his classes were, but especially his example. He would leave his Spanish Book of Mormon in class just so that he could read it with us, but during one of our study times, we decided to look through his Book of Mormon just for kicks and giggles. We ended up naming his mission copy "the Golden Plates" because of how marked up they were! It is unbelievable and I know impossible to try and explain in e-mail. To try and get everyone to understand...we ended up wondering if he even served a mission or if he just spend two years in a room marking scriptures. We began to feed off of his study techniques that we would find and spend so much time looking through it, wondering if he had marked it all just for show, or if it had deeper meaning, and if it did, what was it!? We eventually asked him if he would "accidentally" leave them at a girls house, because if any woman were to look through that copy, he wouldn't even have to propose to get her hooked! He changed the way I study my scriptures and made one of my largest desires from the mission to be a deeper understanding of the Book of Mormon. Once I tried to study like he did, I started finding so much that I couldn't believe some of the messages that had gone over my head the hundreds of times I had read these verses before! Its getting to the point where I could write a full fledged dissertation on 1 Nephi 17:11 and its spriritual significance to us! Its amazing to look at just one verse and think, "why is this in the Book of Mormon and how can I relate it to me?" 

And to finish off stories of este semana, I have to talk about the "Battle of the Two Towers." So what happens in the MTC, is much like the Cannon Center, the food got old about a two weeks in and everything started to taste the same. Well the way we would treat this problem at BYU is just go eat somewhere else, but we lack that privelage here in the MTC, so we decided to make our eating experiences a little more entertaining. What they always have in the corner of the MTC, are towers of cereal that are supposed to be sufficient for every meal. To put it in persepctive, one tower equals about 45 boxes of cereal. Now, to keep our meals interesting, we decided to have our zone take down two towers for dinner: Life, and Tooty Frooties. Its kind of sad how long we looked forward to this meal and how much time we spent planning it out, but an additional twist we threw in was an afterburn party of Cranberry and Orange Juice (excuse my description but to make the nature of the beverages understandable, it would be like having an afterburn party with just Pepto Bismol.) So on our P-Day eve, we all marched triumphantly into the cafeteria, grabbed about 7 bowls each person (averaging out to about 105 bowls, because using the same bowl over and over again would just be too convenient.) We took the towers by storm, and conquered life within 5 minutes! We would fill the bowls, eat, stack (to show how much "Life" you dominated) and go back for more! After destroying life, we began on the Tooty Frooties tower. About 7 minutes into that one, the cafetia staff came and told us that we needed to stop eating and leave the cafeteria. We got about 7/9 of the Tooty Frooties tower, but apparently we were going to cost the MTC "too much" for dominating the cereal towers. All that me and the rest of zone 23 have to say is that the battle may be over, but the war has just begun. Even though the massive amounts of cereal have pretty much ruined our digestive tracts, making us take a trip to the baƱo every five minutes, we will come back with a vengance! Haha love it here and enjoy the opportunities to learn more and more every day! Love you all so much and miss you guys a ton!
Les quiero mucho!

Elder Wilson

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